Chapter 3: The Meeting

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"This is going to sound crazy, but... from the moment I first set eyes on you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." - Leigh Fallon


Alessandra's POV

My work begins with filing reports and reorganizing the system.

I was on the last file when I noticed Mr. Hernandez's head peeking through his office door.

"Ms. De La Vega," he called in his nasal tone, causing my whole attention to drift to him. "Will you please prepare the Account Summary reports for the last quarter? Mr. Demakis will see me in an hour." He asked politely.

"And please, bring it in when he's here. I may need you to stay with me and take notes too, will you?" He added on as he smiled.

"Yes, sir," I replied with a small tight smile, nodding my head.

Mr. Demakis?

I remember those ladies at the front desk saying he's the CEO. Of course, that hot guy. And I'm going to meet him on my first day?

I hope, I don't make any mistakes. I don't want to look stupid in front of him. He doesn't look appreciative at all.

I log into the Account System with my mind still reeling at the thought of meeting the CEO. I printed out the Account Summary for the last quarter of the year and placed them neatly in the red folder.

Still thinking if I should make an excuse, but that's absurd. It's my duty, and I'm being irrational.

Maybe, I'll say I'm not feeling well. Perhaps, I'll reason my stomach suddenly got upset.

I shook the ridiculous thought off.

It's my first damn day, and I'm getting all anxious. I didn't like the feeling when I first laid my eyes on him this morning. It ruffled my confidence.


I was busy looking for the stapler in the upper drawer of my desk to staple some papers together when I felt someone standing across my desk.

I slowly looked up and met with those beautiful blue/gray eyes looming over me.

Oh, God. It's him!

Double Crap!

I mentally scolded myself as I bolted upright, not knowing if I should smile.

He looks like one of those Greek Gods.

His bright blue/gray eyes pierced through me, causing my nerves to go haywire.

I'm not sure what to make out of his pursed lips that looked like he's always pissed off.

I briefly and subtly took in all his appearance. Noting the way his unruly coppered hair was combed neatly on one side, at that moment, I felt an urge to run it with my fingers.

Cut it out, Ali.

Well, he looks very well-groomed.

Of course, he had money.

I noticed that he wasn't wearing his coat anymore. Just his pinstripe purple dress shirt with three buttons undone. My eyebrow involuntarily cocked up.

I don't want to think that he's trying to charm his way into me, but isn't a boss supposed to be more, you know?

I looked up to meet his eyes and ignored the tempting buffed chest right before my eyes, peeking through the slit opening of his buttoned shirt.

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