Chapter One

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What if all of Paris forgets?

Chapter One


Eyes fluttered open. Blankets were shoved aside. A smile stretched on lips. Today was going to be amazing.

It was obvious from the very first sun rays that Adrien missed because his early photo shoot had been cancelled. It was obvious from the fact that for once the breakfast table was set for two people instead of one. It was obvious because his afternoon photo shoot, too, had been cancelled and he was allowed to meet Nino, Alya and Marinette at the arcade today.

It was truly amazing, a miracle almost. The weather was great, not a cloud was in sight and everything seemed to scream that today was going to be the most wonderful day of the year.


Adrien awoke feeling groggy. His head was pounding, he could barely open his eyes and something felt...amiss. As if he didn't know where he was, which was weird because he knew exactly where he was. In his room, laying in his bed, trying to ignore the smell of Plagg's cheese. Nothing unusual, except for the pounding in Adrien's head.

Immobile, he stayed in bed trying to recall what had happened. What could have caused this momentary confusion? Had a late night patrol kept him awake for too long? Had there been any unusually exhausting photo shoots? But Adrien didn't remember anything that could have caused this amount of exhaustion. In fact, he was pretty positive that yesterday had been amazing. He remembered being able to sleep in, having breakfast with his father, getting to school, talking to Nino, making plans for the afternoon and.... blank. Everything after that was a big, fat, blank spot. Well, memory loss might explain why he felt so uneasy.

"Plagg", Adrien whispered, not feeling ready to get up just yet. He glanced to the side of his bed, watching the black Kwami devour a piece of camenbert, seemingly unaware of his chosen's call. "Plagg!", Adrien tried again, this time louder. He regretted his choice not a second later when he winced – a clear indicator his head was not willing to let go of the silence just yet. Adrien tried to ignore the pounding though, instead focussing on trying to quell his curiosity – and his worry. Something was wrong and Adrien couldn't shake the feeling that it was probably Akuma related.


"What?", a nasally voice finally answered. The black Kwami lazily floated towards Adrien, eyeing his chosen suspiciously, though, if one squinted hard enough, one could make out a flicker of concern in the god's eyes.

"What happened yesterday?", Adrien asked, his voice hoarse. Shifting slightly and trying to ignore the pain he looked around for a glass of water, hissing when he didn't find one.

"I don't know."

Plagg yawned, stretching his limbs before looking at his chosen once more who was about to pounce and strangle that annoying bastard.

"You went to school. Talked to that one "dude" guy. Had a nice chat with your girlfriend..." "Marinette is not my girlfriend!" "...You didn't feed me enough cheese. The usual. Oh, yeah, and there was this one Akuma, what was his name again? I don't know. Anyway, all I remember is transforming you – after my protest because I was in the middle of eating cheese! - and next thing I know is that we woke up in some alley because I couldn't hold the transformation any longer. Talking of which, I demand more cheese, that was way too exhausting..."

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