/Part 10/

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 -Chapter 10 

May woke up and looked to see what time it was. Seeing that it was a quarter to six, she decided to get up and work out before they left town. As she got out of bed she noticed that Ash wasn't in his bed, she glanced towards the bathroom she seen that the light was on with the door closed. Figuring out that he was getting ready to work out she gathered her things so she could change once he was done.

Ash had just finished changing and walked back into the room seeing May waiting he smiled, "Good morning May, did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did, thank you. Did you sleep good?"

"Yes, though I'm excited to start out again today. Being in towns is a little claustrophobic to me after being in the wild for so long." he explained.

"I guess that makes sense, but if you like I'll help you get over that little by little." she said as she walked into the bathroom to get ready.

"I'd like that May." he said smiling 'Being around you makes me feel like I can do anything.' he thought.

Once May was changed and ready they made their way outside to begin stretching. Ash showed May some general stretches so she wouldn't hurt herself. After warming up They began jogging through town with Lucario, Pikachu and Glaceon running lightly behind their trainers. May was feeling slightly winded but kept pushing because she wanted to show Ash she was strong. Ash noticed that she was beginning to struggle so he turned them back towards the Pokemon Center, not wanting her to pull a muscle. May noticed they were going back earlier than she wanted but was grateful, they went back behind the center to the training fields and called out their pokemon. Ash let out Dratini, Combusken, Sceptile, Noctowl, Espeon, and Growlithe while Pikachu and Lucario went and stood with them. Though once they were out Espeon and Growlithe tackled him jumping around him and licking his face. Ash laughed, "Hahaha alright guys, I promise we'll play later but right now we're gonna train ok."

"Esp Espeon." replied Espeon as she rubbed against him.

"Growl." Growlithe answered has he licked Ash's face again.

May giggled at the exchange she then called out her pokemon Blaziken, Froslass, Swanna, Glaceon, Wartortle, Ninetales, Altaria, and Minncino stood ready before her. Ash set his pokemon out to exercise and to work on improving their accuracy and waited for May so they could to continue to work out.

"Ok guys you all did well the last few days getting ready for the contest. Just take it easy this morning and do light training." The pokemon nodded and went off in pairs to begin exercising. Once the pokemon were going May and Ash started with some exercises that would work on May's overall fitness so they could later work on more intense workouts. Ash took a break to get a drink of water and smiled as he watched everyone working hard. He watched May train lightly with Blaziken so she could understand different fighting techniques. After watching her for a few minutes he shifted his gaze to his own pokemon and taking note of how they were all doing. Ash approached Dratini to give the young dragon type some advice, seeing as she was the newest member of his team, once he finished talking to her they tried out his ideas. The raven haired trainer smiled as he step back to let his pokemon get a feel for trianing together and to try their own ideas.

"Ash I was wondering something, Dratini seems a little young and not as leveled up as your other pokemon. Why is that?" May asked as she walked up next to Ash.

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