A world of ash and dust

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Do you know what happens when an atomic bomb explodes?

I know you don't. I have seen it, I felt it. I was there.

Several times.

At first there is a compression wave.

I saw how houses were wiped away in the blink of an eye, as if they were dust on a shelf.

Secondly comes a heatwave with temperatures from over 1.000°C. Humans can only stand 44°C.

And thirdly the fallout. Radioactive rain as black as the night, falling from the sky like angels, burning on the way to hell. Or earth as it was called once.

All of this happend, and I witnessed it, am witnessing it everyday, probably for the rest of my life. Which won't be that long, considering that I breath in the black rain with every heartbeat.

Until then, I try to survive and help the people that are still alive in this war that has been going on for years now. There aren't many people left but the governments still puts their pride over human lives.

But why do I tell you this, it's nothing new...

As I once read in an article, the safest place in an atomic war would be the easter islands and the antarctica. But I sadly am not on the easter islands and I am not in the antactica. The latter would have been complicated, considering that the antactica doesn't exist anymore, but so does half of the world.

I am in England. Really bad choice, I know. An island, member of the NATO, geographically in the middle of the route from the USA to russia, I couldn't have chosen worse. But in my defence: I didn't know that the third world war was gonna break out. Nobody did, not really. It all happend in a few days and to be honest, I don't remeber them and I don't want to. I was probably happy and thinking about it wouldn't be helpful right now.

Other than this video. Hopefully this thing works, I haven't used a messageteleporter in years...

I can only pray that this reaches you in the future some way, so you can prevent this. Don't let it come this far."

I look at my own smiling face on the TV. The most terrifying thing is probably that I don't look much older, not physically but my eyes seem like they have seen the world end a thousand times.

I get up and reach for my phone. I need to call my father.

[I can't let him detonate that bomb...]

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