//• FNaF 1: Bonnie •//

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... Fun ensues when the one at the other end of the table is none other than a purple/lavender rabbit. Well, not exactly. At the moment, he was leaning into the office chair — which, by the way, since he wanted a spot more comfier, he'd dragged out of the nightguard's office. It still wasn't enough to fit his large build, but he didn't care about that. It was relaxing nonetheless — with his arms folded and his deep-red eyes staring to somewhere, as his head somewhat "daNced" from one end, to another. Enjoying a random music tune? You bet.

The human, excited for this, somewhat stifled a giggle, more to appear she was serious than anything. That didn't prove of too much use, but she was getting there. Though, it wouldn't have been necessary. It's not like the rabbit was even paying attention. He seemed to show zero interest, but ... Who cares-

Buuut, at least this excitement had made her forget about that very deliCious paper ball from earlier ...

Level 2
Bonnie the Rabbit

Soon having collected herself, the obvious question was asked, starting with her merely clearing her throat. Then, once she'd noticed the male's ears slightly perk, she'd begun with a, ❝You ready for this?❞

❝Eh ...❞ The lavender mascot's eyes shut themselves as he'd given a slight shrug. He seemed waaay too calm about an unknown human at the other end of the table, aaand, that was pretty much what the female needed at that moment. ❝I'm always ready for everything.❞

❝Okay-❞ with that trailing along, she'd looked down to a small stack of paper cards within her hand — that obviously being because a certain someone didn't like the idea of the human working with a smartphone, and now she was bound to asking everyone this way. Lucky she'd made notes, eY? — muttering as she read from there a, ❝What would you say if I told you, people think you and Freddy look great together?❞

Well, guess the rabbit perceived that as a joke, as straight after, he'd broken into a fLurry of laughs — well, not exactly a fluRry, but, you get the point, right? — all sounding as if he were a dyiNg pig ... That definitely confused the other.

❝Uhhh ... What's so funny?❞

❝What you just said-❞ came the snort, him forcing himself to a pause with that, and then continuing with his words. ❝Freddy and I ... Nice idea, human ...❞

Wait, so ... the rabbit approves? HUh ... luck for the Fronnie shippers, I guess ...

Only, well ... he hadn't finished.

❝... One day with him in some Rom-story, and I'll be too fAncy for my own good ...❞ He then merely leaned back into the chair with his arms folding over his head. ❝Besides, that'd mean I'll have to stop ruining his arrangements, and I can't do that ...❞

Hmm ... At least one thing's relieving, that wasn't an approval ...

As the human was to proceed with another, she somewhat blinked as the male set his feet over the table, and was now sitting in a more relaxed position than anything ... Tch ... Feeling sorry for the table that had to bear a large mascot's weight like that. It's not like it was adapted to the machines' builds ... just a regular pizzeria table that was.

❝Do another ...❞

As if she wasn't already ...

As words bid farewell at tHat much of an awkward moment, the female could only give a nod, before just looking over to that card again.

❝Chica ... with you?❞

As if that struck a tender end, he'd given a semi-disgusted scoff, more of muttering in a defiant tone, ❝Once a naive crush, now ... just a friend ...❞

❝Right-❞ aaand, just as anything more could've been said, she was cut off by him adding a, ❝And, in any way, she already has someone else who gets all the care ...❞

A hum as the response, she'd then advanced to the next ... ❝What about you with Foxy? That seems popular ...❞

Now, if you know, you ... knoW, revamped Foxy and Bonnie are rivals. Simple reason; Foxy's the "second-incharge" of the group, and Bonnie being the guitarist of the trio ... he doesn't quite understand why the pirate's gotten a job he should've, soooo, his reaction was genuine ... A change in his relaxed state, he merely sat up in a straightened posture, and stared to the human as if she were some devil from the worSt spaces of hEck.

❝Him?❞ A scoff escaped his voice-box, his hand setting to the table, somewhat abruptly. ❝Who knows ... Maybe if he stops stuffing the boss's ears with some inconvenient recommendation unlike the show-off he's become, we'd be close to even becoming best friends ...❞

Jeez, could've said that less dramatically ...

The simple response from her had been a nod, her then again taking a glance at the piece of paper, while the other plainly leaned back into his chair again ...

❝Not too famous, but, some people think you deserve to be with Golden Freddy ...❞

❝And, anyone who thinks I deserve to be with anyOne, the exit door's not too far ...❞ was the plain reply muttered, him then adding, ❝They'd best leave, unless they want me kicking them out ...❞

Heh ... I'd do the same, to be honest ...

❝Gold acts too old for his own good ... and I'm not a fan of that ...❞

At the last one, the female could do nothing but gawk at first, having found a picture of it as well, as ... the rabbit wouldn't know who she was talking about if she'd only just asked. This ... this was the most disgusting thing up till now, and she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, so she'd instantly gotten up from her seat, and as she passed he rabbit, he'd noticed her, and while he quizzed a, ❝That's over?❞ she'd set the picture, and the paper-cArd upon the table, soon muttering in reply a, ❝Look at the table ...❞

His head tilting with one eye going half-lidded at that, he simply did as was told, only to ... well, find a picture of an oDd human and himself lying on the table ...

❝You, with this man ... aka Markiplier ...❞ Yes, this ship exists ... On a serious note ... wHy?

The details of that image, in the meanwhile ... use your imagination ...

Tch ... the lavender mascot surely had his life rUined tHat way ... He'd best not involve in something as thAt anymore ...


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