25- Mall craze

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~Y/n story~
As we went out separate ways i saw Allison's walking into victoras secret.

y: Allison?
K: Oh we're gonna get you some things to surprise five.
A: And we're all gonna leave you too alone...
Y: And what makes you think i want to do this?
K: Your doing it.
Y: Nope i'm going to chucky cheese.
K: Allison get her things me and her will be here!
Y: Don't!
A: Ok!

we walked into chucky cheese and got coins to play games. I turn around to see my old friend group laughing at me. I stare at my ex-Bff.

ex bff: What do you want bitch
Y: I suggest you stop talking about me or i'll tell you our secret.
K: Y/n.. calm down

my eyes were turning so red.

Ex bff: What the hell is wrong with your eyes. you look like a fat bull!

they all starting laughing so i got up on the table to get everyone's attention.

Y: Fine i'll say it
Ex bff: You can you pinky swore
Y: Watch me.

they all gathered around.

Y: ok sorry to interrupt everything but this fat ass bitch slept with her dad so she could feel pleasure. And then she slept with my dad. For pleasure and every boyfriends he had she was using including you big boy.

i point at her boyfriend and then get off the table.

Y: And just when it gets better she is only in this friend group to get secrets then tell the whole world about them.
Ex bff: Please stop y/n.
Y: OH! How could i forget! she was the number one student before she slept with the whole school. including my ex. yea i found out.

As i walked closer to her i dogged her punch and punched her face till klaus grabbed me and we left. i had blood on my knuckles.

Y: Oh i'm fine. just don't go into chucky cheese..
K: She almost killed a bitch.
Y: She deserved it.
K: True but not in front of people!
Y: Oops.
A: Ok well let's get the others so we can leave. oh i got the stuff
K: Yes!
Y: I hate you all.

we went to find five and everyone before people came.

K: She punched anbitxh and almost killed her, now let's leave before we all die.
Y: Oops.

i smiled and skipped to the car.

Fives soulmate: y/nWhere stories live. Discover now