Part 1

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Marinette pov:
I just got kicked out of my parents home because I 'bullied'

I am now staying in the apartment Jagged bought me for my 15 birthday he kept it just incase I needed it

I am the famous MDC so it kinda helped that I was also jagged honorary niece not many people know though

Chloe is princess honey who is now a fully fledged miraculous
holder after chat noir decided to be stupid and not come any more to fights I had to take his miraculous

Lila took all my friends away from me and decided that wasnt enough but had to get me kicked out

"Ugh can this day get any worse tiki" I ask the tiny floating creature

"It's alright marinette life will get better" tiki says

'Thud' I hear someone behind

I turn my body to see who it is but nothing

I feel someone behind me but before i can react they knock me out

Damian POV:
After i finished patrolling i head to the bat cave today I wasn't in the mood for my idiotic brothers to start there whining tonight

I have a bad feeling something is gonna happen but i dont know why

"Hey demon spawn what's is up your ass tonight" Jason asks in a snarky tone

"Language master Jason" Alfred says

i ignore both And start walking off to my room

I get into my room and realize that's someone is here

"Who's there" but before I can get a answer I get hit to the ground

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