The Beginning

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He was coming; i could feel it. I was shaking under my bed. 

"THIS IS THE FIRST PLACE HE'LL LOOK!! WHY DID I HIDE HERE!!" I screamed inside my head.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"No, but i believe the last two kits are at a friends house" Said a unfamiliar voice. 

"THERE IS TWO?!!!???!!!" I kept on screaming in my head. "AND WHAT SIBLING IS SAFE??" 

The door slammed. i heard quiet crying and decided to carefully go and see who was crying 

"Who's there? I'm warning you, im armed!" Stuttered my brother. 

"TREEPAW!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" I said with great happiness 

"Rosekit!" he yelled while hugging me. 

"Waiiiittt, you said you're armed but you're not..." I said. 

"Of course i'm not armed, but if bad guy where here and then you heard footsteps wouldn't you say you are armed? Treepaw asked. 

"OHHHHH ya..... I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!" I yelled 

"SHHHHHHHHH BE QUIET!!! THEY MIGHT HEAR US!!" Treepaw was getting nervous. 

I might also add that i'm the loud, excited, optimistic kit out of my family. Or what's left anyway. We spent the night hugging each other and crying until i realized 

"Wait, are we the only ones alive? I want to know but i don't wanna check..." 

Treepaw sat up. "I... didn't think about that... lets let the guard check later. Wait, we can't stay... He will look for us. Pack your things we are going to run away." 

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