chapter one

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A/N: the characters and plot don't belong to me.  You also don't have to have seen Teen Wolf to read this.  Some scenes and language may be mature.  Anyway I hope you enjoy, please vote and comment! :))

I can't close my eyes.

Every time I do, I'm thrown into a world of chaos and terror, a world where I have no control over what I do or what is done to me. A world where there is nothing to take comfort from and where nobody is coming to help me.

A world that I usually forget the moment I open my eyes again.

Even now, I jolt awake with my heart racing and my skin slick with sweat, but my mind is blank except for a horrible sense of urgency. There's something I'm forgetting. I don't know where I was a few moments ago, and that's fucking terrifying.

I take a few seconds to orient myself before checking the clock to find that it's just past 3 am. Which means I should go back to sleep so I'm not exhausted for school in the morning. I debate this for a passing moment before deciding there's no way I can lie back down after what's happened. I tell myself it's because I'm already too alert to fall asleep, but a part of me knows it's because I'm scared. I can't let myself dream like that again. I don't know how I can stop it, but there's no other option. I'll figure something out. For now, I just have to stay awake.

I decide to go splash some cold water on my face to wash off the remnants of the dream. I stand up on shaking legs and tentatively reach a hand to my cheek to find it wet with tears. A hollow sensation fills me at the thought that I have no idea what drove me to this. Something is horribly wrong, and I'm missing it.

I make my way to my bedroom door slowly but pause before opening it. My hand hovers over the knob, and my breath picks up. This isn't right. What am I missing? Suddenly I don't want to open the door anymore. I start to go back to my bed and hide under the covers where it's safe.

Then I remember the way I woke up choking down a scream and halt in my steps. I don't know what that was, but it wasn't safe. I inhale deeply and push the door open before I can second-guess myself, and stumble through the opening.

I sense what's wrong before I see it.

With agonizing slowness, I raise my eyes from my bare feet to take in my surroundings.

I can't move.

I can't breathe.

I'm trapped.

I'm inside of a locker, and I have no idea how I got here. All I know is I need to get out. I need to get out before they find me.

I raise my fist and pound on the cheap metal locker. Once, twice, three times. With each attempt the urgency I feel deepens until I'm just about ready to scream. Finally, I break through and find myself in my school's locker room. I'm alone, and all the lights are off. Is it night? Why did I come here at night? There's a fuzziness in my brain wrapping around my thoughts and making me lightheaded and dizzy. I shake my head and look myself in the mirror. This is real. I'm here right now, and I'm me. I'm okay.

Feeling uneasy, I walk over to the door and step into the hallway. There's something wrong about schools at night, I think as I make my way through the corridors. The shadows seem as if they could be hiding all kinds of monsters. The silence is deafening, making my unsteady footsteps sound out of place. I just want to get out of here.

I make it to the front hallway, with the door outside just in reach. Something else catches my eye, though. One door stands open in the hallway of closed-off rooms. Something in it calls to me, and I enter the room in a trance. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that desks are thrown against the wall, papers are strewn about the floor, and the blinds dangle broken from the windows. The Nemeton doesn't even seem out of place in the middle of the classroom, its roots reaching all the way to the corners. Suddenly I find myself standing right next to it, and I don't even get the chance to wonder when I walked up before I am watching my arm extend outwards and down, my fingertips just brushing the ancient wood.

I don't even scream when vines erupt from the stump and lash themselves around my wrist, binding me to the tree so that we are one.

A/N: For anyone who hasn't seen Teen Wolf, the Nemeton is this tree stump where a lot of rituals and things have taken place so it has some kind of supernatural power.  I never fully understood while watching but it's not necessary to know :) 

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