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OLIVIA SAT THERE ON HER laptop, her eyes quickly scanning the words on the page before going to the next one. She sat in her apartment, lips pursed as she tried to figure out as much as she could about that adoption place, but she was coming up empty handed and it was making the wolf frustrated. She drank a sip of coffee, looking up only when a knock came on her door. She paused, carefully removing the mug from her lips before sitting it down on the table along with her laptop. She carefully got up, her nails turning into claws before throwing open the door and letting out a breath of relief when it was just Natasha.

     "Geez, Nat. I almost clawed your eyes out." Olivia huffed, making her nails turn back to normal.

     "Sorry." Natasha apologized. Olivia looked at the woman for a moment before stepping aside and allowing her inside. Natasha gave her the smallest of smiles before entering the apartment, Olivia closing the door behind her.

     "You want some coffee? I just fixed a fresh pot?" Natasha nodded her head before sitting down on Olivia's couch as the woman fixed Natasha a cup of coffee. She walked over to the redhead and handed her the cup, to which Natasha thanked her. Olivia sat down beside of Natasha, her own cup in her hands as she looked at the woman. "What're you doing here?"

     "I just wanted to see if you found anything." Natasha answered.

     A sigh fell from Olivia's lips as she shook her head. "Nothing. Not a damn thing. I've hacked into everything I know how to hack into, and I've come up with nothing. There's no trace of those girls being moved anywhere else, so they have to be there."

     "We'll find them." Natasha assured, nodding her head. Olivia sighed before looking at Natasha, meeting the woman's eyes before narrowing her own. Natasha frowned slightly. "What?"

     "What are you really doing here?"

     "I already told you―︎"

     "Natasha, I know you better than that." Olivia whispered.

     Natasha looked at her for a moment before gently saying, "Maybe I just wanted to see you."

     "You would never reveal your feelings like that." Olivia denied. "You're here to make sure I'm not mad at you about what happened on the mission." Natasha bit the inside of her cheek. Olivia sighed once more. "I'm not mad, Natasha. I just wish you would've at least given me a warning."

     "I will next time." Natasha agreed.

     "Hopefully there won't be a next time." Olivia gently smiled before setting her cup on the table and standing up. Natasha watched as she did so, and took a moment to look at the wolf as she looked through her records, trying to bring soft music into the quiet apartment. As she watched Olivia, she couldn't help but think that her supposedly false reasoning was true. She did want to see the girl, she just didn't know why.

     Olivia hummed in satisfaction when music filled the apartment. She turned towards Natasha before holding out a hand. "May I have this dance?"

     "I don't dance."

     "Well, tonight you do." Olivia replied before taking the woman's cup from her hands and placing it on the table. She pulled Natasha up from the couch and Natasha just rolled her eyes but nonetheless spun Olivia around causing the girl to laugh. And before she knew it she too was enjoying herself, watching as Olivia danced her heart away. It was relaxing until it wasn't. The sound of shattering glass could be heard before Olivia suddenly stopped.

     "Olivia?" Natasha was quick to question her. Olivia turned her head to look at Natasha only to fall to her knees as she placed a hand over her stomach, her shirt quickly turning crimson red. Natasha snapped her head towards the window, finding what seemed like a person standing there before they ran away. "Olivia." Natasha quickly kneeled beside the girl. She was quietly starting to panic. "Hey, you're going to be okay."

     Olivia looked at Natasha with wide eyes before gripping onto the woman's wrist tightly before forcing her eyes to glow and her claws to come out as her fangs appeared, a growl falling from her lips as she writhed in pain. "Wolfsbane." The woman strained. "The bullet burns a lot more than a normal one. Has to be. . ."

     "Well, what do I do? How can I help?" Natasha quickly asked.

     "You gotta. . ." Olivia grunted again. "Burn it out."

     "What? No."

     "Nat." Olivia gripped her wrist again, causing Natasha to meet her eyes. Natasha looked at Olivia's begging eyes before nodding her head.

     "Okay." Natasha nodded. "Alright."

     "Closet." That was all the girl could get out and Natasha nodded before hesitantly leaving the woman's side and running to her bedroom. She pushed past all of the clothes before finding a blow torch. Natasha looked at it for a moment before cocking her head as a sigh fell from her lips. She wasn't going to like this, not one bit. She ran back over to Olivia, before taking a moment to look around before quickly grabbing one of Olivia's scarves.

     "Bite down." Natasha ordered and Olivia did as she was told, her fangs piercing into the cloth. "This is going to hurt like a bitch." And it did. Olivia writhed and screamed in pain before she could feel her body start to heal itself. She laid there, the cloth being removed from her mouth as Natasha placed a hand on Olivia's sweat covered face.

     "Thanks for that." Olivia hoarsely whispered.

     "Yeah." Natasha nodded, rubbing a thumb across the woman's cheek as she felt herself relax slightly at the fact that the woman was alright. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and helping Olivia to sit up. Olivia stared at the window that now had a bullet hole in it with narrowed eyes.

     "Who was that?" Olivia questioned.

     Natasha shook her head. "I don't know. But whoever it was, wants you dead."

     "Clearly." Olivia scoffed before grabbing Natasha's hand and giving it a squeeze as her mind ran at a thousand miles per hour, trying to find out who exactly would want her dead.

" Olivia scoffed before grabbing Natasha's hand and giving it a squeeze as her mind ran at a thousand miles per hour, trying to find out who exactly would want her dead

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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑━︎━︎ N. Romanoff (𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑) Where stories live. Discover now