Info, and Technical Prologue

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You are greeted by a pure white room as a 17 year old boy walked in holding a can of black paint before setting it down in the middle of the room and facing towards you.

Y/N: hey, I'm Y/N Brock, I am you...... well I am a version of you in you imagination as you read this.... it's kind of confusing to explain, anyway, I am you, and in this world we are know as the hero....

A black tendril came out of his back with a paint brush, dipping it into the black paint and splashing it onto one of the pure white walls with the letters VENO.

Y/N: You missed a letter there, buddy....

???: Oops....

The voice sounded like a combination of five voices in synch, one over tr he other.The tendril slash on the wall again and it now said VENOM.

Y/N: There we go, we are the hero known as Venom, and if you haven't put it together yet, the tendril is venom.... well apart of him. You might have also realized that we break the fourth wall a bit.

Venom grabbed the bucket with the tendril.

Y/N: and this prologue is going to tell you about my life, I'll fill you in to a curtain point, probably up to when I got Venom. Just give me a second....

He pulled out his wallet before struggling to pull out a small photo. He showed the photo, and it had a woman with Black hair and green eyes, with a boy who had black hair and green eyes, it was obviously a picture of a 8 year old boy and his mother.

Y/N: let's start with the family situation,it's not the best, but it could be way worse. Let's start off with my parents, my dad was a absent father, who I later on found i went to prison, and shortly after getting out, did of cancer. I never learned what kind, so I grew up without ever really knowing my father, his name was Eddie Brock.

He then pointed at the woman in the photo.

Y/N: This beautiful woman right here is my mother, she is the one I apparantly got my good looks from.

He said that last bit in a joking manner.

Y/N: She is the nicest person you will ever meet, sadly she is home but for when she needs to sleep, because of how many hours she works during the day, I only get sundays, at most, to spend time with her. She is a good role model, and a strong single mother.... I just hope to make her proud someday.

He then pointed at the little boy in the photo with black hair and green eyes like his mother.

Y/N: And then you have me, a kid with no powers, who had above average looks, and extremely well grades, never getting under a 90, just your average nerd or geek. Until I was 10 years old I met my favorite hero of all time, Spider-man. Give me a second....

He started to dig through his wallet again before pulling another photo with a man with silver whitish hair in a red and blue webbed suit while smiling, next to him was his mother and him, also smiling.

Y/N: That's Spider-man.... Also known as Peter Parker..... yeah he.... he's not around anymore..... I was very upset when he passed, but he is also the reason why I have my partner in.... crime fighting..... that sounded better in my head, anyway, he was a great person, he tought me a few things after giving me venom, believe that I would be the perfect host for him.... and I guess you could say he was right.

He put the photo back and pulled out another for later.

Y/N: He basically gave Venom to me on my 13th birthday.... of course my mom doesn't know, peter didn't want me to tell my mom. He said he gave him to me because he saw our bond having potential to do great things, and then he started to train me.... he's actually the reason I'm so good at physics and chemistry.... I was 15 when he passed, and I still miss him.... he was sort of the father figure I never had..... and then a year later I actually started dawning the name of Venom, to some I'm even know as the new Spider-man.... and that's the same time I joined a hero team, with people all around my age too..... well with the exception of a Robot, we call him Robot.

He held up the picture showing 5 people, one was a redhead with a pink suit with a pink cap, with the female sign that had an atom on top of it, the next was a cocky looking guy with a red and yellow suit, the next was a guy with what looked like a black skintight suit that covered every inch of him, he also had big pure white eyes and a lot of teeth, the next was a girl wearing a purple outfit that had the number 1 on it, she looked like of asian decent, and the last was a guy, or really a robot, with oranges metal plates and green glowing eyes.

Y/N: this my team..... known as teen team, you can probably guess from that, that we are all teens for the most part. The one with the pink outfit is Eve, and the one in red and yellow is Rex, those to are a couple right now. The ones in black and purple are me and Kate, were also a couple, then theres robot.... let's just say everyone might be single due to future events..... and I might act a bit aggressive from it..... anyways, the author will probably leave a voting area for love interest, either you guys just say a name and agree or they put some names up..... only exception is tha t.c they can't be male characters, and Monster Girl, and Dupli-Kate, both for obvious reasons.

He put the photo and his wallet away while Venom seemed to be still holding that bucket.

Y/N: let's start wrapping this up, so I will give you info for what is currently happening. So to simply put in locations, I go to the same school as Eve, friend wise, I have my friends Mark and William, and it's quite obvious who Mark's father is if you seen the man up close for more then a second. So maybe mark has the same powers, anyways, Mark and William are my none superhero friends.... why do I feel like that's going to be false later.... and then there's this entitled girl that mark has fallen for, I don't really see why besides from popularity. And no one knows how I look outside of the suit, except for Kate, and I'm not doing something as weird as being a journalist who writes about the shit I do.... okay that's not true, but I send them in with another name, so no one will know. I have to make money somehow, and pictures of the scariest hero is a good way to get it. So now that you have been slightly caught up to the beginning of the animated series, by the way he will be using the animated series until the end of season one, and then he will use the comics, now....

Venom handed him the bucket of Black Paint.

Y/N: have fun reading, and don't forget to vote, also DON'T screw me over, and no Harems!

He slashed the paint towards your direction and covered up all visibility as it dipped down forming the words WE ARE VENOM, THE SCARIEST HERO.


So please comment who you would like to be the love interest, also you have about 3 chapters to do so, which can be from a week to 3 weeks.

Options can't be guys, and no Monster Girl or Kate (reason for no guys is because I don't know how to write that type of relationship)

We Are Venom, The Scariest Hero (Male Venom Reader x Invincible)Where stories live. Discover now