chapter 2: What's going on exactly?

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So that so-called "Emergency" Teen Team got, was just a couple of super-powered people fighting in the middle of the city, Y/N pretty much handled it by himself, and that was also a week ago. Currently, he is sitting on the side of the building talking to his mother on the phone, while he was almost completely covered by venom except for his face so his voice didn't change.

Y/N: yes I know, you won't be home until midnight at least.

Mom: I just wanted to make sure you knew, would you mind saving me a plate of whatever you cook for dinner tonight, I got to go, I love you.

She hung up before he could say anything, he put his phone away.

Y/N: No problem... Love you too...

He looked around as Venom covered his face once again, he then noticed a sort of explosion of black and white smoke.

Venom: Mr. Negative is out and about again.

He jumped off the building and began to swing through the city, to get there. After he arrived at the building that the explosion came from, he recognized it as a popular building, know for making advancements in medical technology, and a few other projects. He was quick to make his way down to the doors that had been blasted open with negative energy.

Venom: Is it weird that I always feel bad for the guy... Martin Li.... an old friend of Peter's... if I remember correctly, his powers are fueled by his anger and pain... I wouldn't be surprised if this had to tie in with "The Accident" when he had first gained his powers.

He had entered the building and saw the elevator shaft had also been blown open, with negative energy running throughout the walls and parts of the floor. Y/N had put his hand on the energy coursing through the wall. Only for Venom to seemingly have a weird reaction to it. The reaction only lasted a second but had caused his whole body to feel a weird sensation throughout it.

Venom: That was odd? We haven't had that reaction to this energy before.... sorry force of habit, I meant I.

He went down the elevator shaft following the negative energy, until he came to the bottom floor, deep underground. The doors on this floor were also blasted open, when he looked through them he saw Martin seemingly inspecting some things in containers, probably cures, and diseases in all sorts of different containers.  He was alone, no one else around, he has been working by himself nowadays, probably got tired of taking over dozens of people's minds all at once. Y/N stepped out announcing his presence to Martin.

Venom: Hey Mr. Li. How have you been lately?

Martin: None of your concern. I have business here, that I need to take care of, I recommend you back off before I Get Physical.

Venom: You know I can't do that.

Martin seemed to grab a vial of sorts, but Y/N couldn't tell what it was before Martin made it explode with negative energy.

Venom: That was a waste, that could have been used for some valuable research. While we are in a conversation, would you mind telling me what you are looking for?

Before he can even react a blast of negative energy shot him back into the elevator shaft and he was quick to stand back up, that weird reaction surged through his body like lightning coursing through a metal rod.

Venom: I guess he does mind, and it seems a can't drop my guard for even a second, I might be able to make this quick, if I don't hold back too much when I hit him. I'm sorry about this Mr. Li.

He had quickly run out of the elevator shaft and webbed two corners of the room to slingshot himself at Martin, who wasn't able to react fast enough before venom connected a hit to his face and launched them both through the opposite wall, but this didn't seem to be enough to knock martin out, but it did do some damage as shown by him getting back up and spitting out a tooth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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