The sicko

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You were asleep on the couch with Peter as he patted your hair. Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Rhodes were also there talking about what to do. Tony was looking through your phone. "This guy is a sicko, " Tony said as he tried to figure out if he could track their number. Peter looked up to his dads. " she can't go back to her apartment. '' Peter said,

''Well of course she can't." Steve responded. " I just wonder how he got in. I made sure that the apartment was safe enough to live in. '' Rhodes said as he rubbed his head. Bucky was sitting on the floor next to the couch as he was looking at you. Steve, Tony and Rhodes kept going back and forth about everything. You shifted a little and bucky nortuced. " I think it best we should continue some other time." Bucky said as he was able to grab the attention of the men. They just nodded. Bucky got up as he slowly picked you up. " I'll take her to her room." Tony and Peter wanted to protest but Steve just stopped them and had Bucky follow him to your room.

" Thank you" Steve said as he walked. "For?" Bucky asked. " For everything (Y/N) never really had a friend to talk to, She was always alone because we were too busy. She's my princess and I care about her dearly." Steve said as he went to the door and he opened it as Bucky laid you down. " You better not hurt her." Steve said and Bucky looked up at him. " I see the way you look at her." Steve smiled gently, hitting Bucky in the arm as they walked out of the room. " what are you talking about?" Seve gave him a small smile." You can't tell me you feel something for my daughter." Bucky just looked down.

" When i ran into her when we first met I thought she was just a brainless girl walking around like an idiot." Bucky said. "Watch it, she is still my daughter bucky." Steve said with a little anger. " I know, I know, I just thought that at first but something in her eyes made me tensed up." Steve smiled. "Well hopefully my daughter will like you too but we will never know until she says' ' They gave each other a smile as they said goodnight and they went to their rooms. Bucky laid in his bed thinking about feeling. He was under control for so many years. How will he be able to normally date anyone? Bucky just rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.

The next morning you got up from your bed and you wrapped a blanket around yourself. You felt like shit, as you made your way to her fathers room you knocked on the door. "Yes?" you hear a sleepy vioco which you could only think it belongs to you dad since Papa should be up and in the gym by now. " Dad do you have clothes on?" you ask loud enough for him to hear.

You hear a small laugh. "Yes sweetheart, I have clothes." you slowly open the door to see that you dad was still in bed. You made your way to his bed getting in and snuggled next to him. Tony wrapped his arm around you.

"What's wrong sweetheart." he looked at you. " I just wanted to cuddle with you and Papa but I knew he would be gone by this time." you said as you closed your eyes. Tony kissed the top of your head " You're not feeling well huh." he said. "How did you know?" you asked him. He gave his small chuckle " Well when see the only time you wanted to cuddle with me and Papa is when you are sick, or feel sad." he smiled at you and he was right since you were younger you would clam into your dad's bed because you wanted to be cuddle because you felt sad or shit.

Your dad looked at his tablet well and you started to draft off to sleep. When Steve came back from his trainer at 7:30 am he noticed you in bed. " Is she ok?" Steve asked. Tony looked at you and noticed you were a little red. He took your temperature and you had a fever. "She seemed to have a fever." Tony said Steve nodded as he went to take a shower. Tony looked down at you as you were still sleeping on his arms. He just didn't want to move, it has been a while since his little girl  wanted to snuggle with him.

After a few minutes Steve came out of the shower fully dressed. " Are you going to stay with her? She's sick." Steve asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. " Well she wanted to snuggle. I have been chosen, I will be staying with her." Tony Said and Steve laugh. " Well i'm going to get Bruce to look at her and make her some soup." Steve said as he made his way to the door.

Steve walked into the kitchen to see Bucky, Peter and Sam eat cereal. " Good morning everyone." Steve said.
" Morning Steve " Bucky and Sam said. " Morning Papa, Where Dad is using up now." Peter said as he looked at Steve confused. "Your dad is too busy with a job." Peter looked at his Papa weird. " What type of job?" Sam asked. " Well he snuggle pillow at the monet." he said Bucky and Sam looked confused but Peter needed to know what was going on. " Sad or Sick?"  "Sick, I was going to call Bruce just now." Peter gave his Papa a nod. Sam and Bucky still have no clue. As they wanted to ask more Nat and Bruce walked in. "Good Morning." Nat and Bruce said. " Morning Bruce, when you can, can you go up to my room." Steve said as he had himself smoothly said " Yea is Tony sick?" he asked. " No (Y/N) is he went to snuggle with Tony this morning." Bruce nodded and he excused himself and went to the room.
" Is that normal?" Sam asked. " well ever since we were young (Y/N) and i would snuggle with our dads when we were sick or sad it was normal." Bucky looked at Steve, " Peter stopped doing that when he was 15 and (Y/N) would still do it here and there." Steve said.
" how is she." Bucky asked. " Well hopefully it's just a cold, but if she is sick she won't be able to go and get her things from her apartment." Steve said as he was thinking what he should do. " Well Papa, I could go and Bucky and Sam could go with me."  Peter said as he took his dish to the sink and Bucky and Sam agreed, Steve nodded and let it go.

Later that day as you rest on your father's bed, Bucky, Sam. and Peter head to your apartment to grab the only thing that was important. Thanks to a list that you have made the night before made it easier for them. As they got to the door Peter was taking the keys out of his pocket but noticed that it was unlocked, The three men looked at each as they all nodded in agreement to be ready. As they slowly opened the door Bucky sensed that he was being watched so he quietly told Sam and Peter as they made their way into the apartment, they were cut off by two men walking out of your  bedroom.
One man looked like a well groomed man and the one next to him looked like a servant.
"You aren't (Y/N)?" The well groomed man said. "Who are you and why are you here?" Peter asked. The man smiled. The servant one talks. " Well my doss here came to see his girlfriend but she isn't here." Peter, Bucky and Sam looked at each other. " My sister doesn't have a boyfriend." Peter said. The man looked mad at the comment that  Peter was just a man. " Well you see, I haven't asked her yet." he smiled. Then Peter's phone started to ring. He answered that Tony was able to track the number to a man named Robert Thomas. A man that has a history of hassering young girl, by Stalking him and now way not obsessed with you. Tony then sends a photo of the man standing in front of him. Peter showed the picture to Bucky and Sam, Bucky couldn't even hold back his anger and went to attack the man, which he ran like the little bitch that he is. "Wait ...ahh Wait." he yelled. Sam took this chance to go to the bedroom to see what he was doing there but the awful smell of semen Sam just walked away.
"Yea (Y/N) can't keep anything in that room. '' Sam just said as Bucky and tired up the guy, well the servant that goes by the name Jack just stayed. Peter called the police after a few minutes the arrave Steve and Tony with Nat came. Bruce stayed with you at the tower.
" What did you do this time Robert." The head of the police asked him. "I'm sorry, do you know him?" Tony asked. " Yes I do , he's my brother. I'm James Thomas." He shook Tonys and Steve's hands. "DO you know what this sick fuck been doing?" Sam asked. "I have an idea of what he's been doing, I'm really sorry." James said. " As some police took Roert away. '' So what he's just going to get a slap on his wrist and call it a day.'' Bucky said and he just wanted to kill him but Steve and Sam tried their best to calm him down. " Well As you know he's the heir to The Thomas Bank My father will most Likely bail him out." James said. Peter and Steve just didn't know what to do. "Wait did you just say Thomas Bank?" Tony asked . "Yes sir, that's the one, is there a problem. " James asked. Tony didn't answer as he looked down at his phone and started to make calls after Bucky, Sam, and Peter gave their reports they all left. Tony did not say one word. Once they got to the Tower Tony left to the meeting room to find three men, one of them being Donald Thomas. Tony smiled as if he was a billionaire he could ride anyone's life in less than 30 minutes. He was thinking of a way how and now that he was seated in front of Donald. " Hello Mr. Stark

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