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chris walked into his social studies class, five minutes late, taking a seat at the only open desk. he sat down, looking over at who sat next to him, ryan. chris looked the shorter boy up and down, eyebrows raised as he smiled a bit, sitting back in his seat as he took out his phone.

ryan shifted in his chair, just by looking at chris he could already tell that the taller boy was loads of trouble. "close your legs." ryan said, staring at chris who was man spreading.

"tell that to your boyfriend." chris said, not looking up from his phone.

"what?" ryan asked, obviously confused. "how do you know i have a boyfriend? i don't even know you."

"i've seen y'all in the halls, holding hands and shit." he mumbled, still not closing his legs.

"oh. well please don't talk about him in that way, you don't even know him." ryan asked, scooting his chair away from chris.

chris ignored him, stretching his legs out in front of himself.

"so today we'll be starting a new project. you'll be working with the person beside you, so please don't ask to switch partners." the teacher, mister fuentes said as he passed out papers to all of the desks.

"you and your parter will be working together to explain the american industrialization period. you can choose to do an essay or a power point, and the requirements are on the paper i just passed out. you don't have to present, but if anyone wants to you will both get five points extra credit. remember that both people have to contribute and both people have to present if y'all choose to do that. i need it turned into me by friday. you will have the rest of the class to work." mister fuentes explained, going back down to sit at his desk.

ryan turned to chris, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. "power point or essay?"

"um for what?" chris asked, looking up from his phone.

"the project, mister fuentes just finished explaining it." ryan said, rolling his eyes.

"yeah no, i'm not doing that."

"it's not a choice. projects are fifty percent of our grades in this class! and it effects my grade too if you don't participate." ryan said and took out his computer.

"i don't care about your grade. that's your problem, not mine." chris said and stood up, quickly sending ricky a text to meet him in the bathrooms.

"where are you going?" ryan exclaimed. "this is due in three days!'

"i'm going to go fuck your bitch."

chris walked down the hall of purple lockers and turned into the bathrooms, seeing ricky.

"did you need something?" ricky asked, looking up at the taller boy.

"yeah, i need to tell you that your boyfriend is fucking annoying." chris said and leaned against the sinks.

"that's not very nice." ricky said, his hands on his hips.

"it's okay to say if it's true, and it is true that he's annoying."

"what did he do?" the shorter boy asked.

"he's on my ass about this dumb project i didn't even know about and we have to be partners." chris sighed.

"please don't tell him about last night!" ricky asked, beginning to feel nervous.

"don't worry, i already said i wouldn't last night. and i'm not fighting your boyfriend over some petty shit like this." chris said and reached out to grab rickys arm, puling the boy closer.

"why would you fight him?" ricky asked, leaning into chris's chest.

"if he found out i had fucked you i'm sure he'd want to beat my ass, but he couldn't because he's too short and scrawny."

ricky shrugged. "i have to go back to class now, i've already been gone for like five minutes."

"no, stay. i wanted to walk around anyways. class is so boring and pointless." chris said, taking rickys hand and leading him out of the bathroom.

"but we can't skip, there's sometimes hall monitors walking around." ricky whispered.

"so? it really doesn't matter. all we'd get is a day of detention." chris said.

"i've never gotten in trouble at school. my mom would be disappointed."

"really? you're like eighteen and never once have been in trouble at school?" the taller boy asked.

"i'm seventeen, actually. and no, i have never gotten in trouble at school, it's really not that hard. just do what you're supposed to do and you won't." ricky said. "i think i want to go back to my class now."

"there's honestly no point in going back now, we've been gone for at least fifteen minutes." chris said snd banged his hand on several of the lockers.

"shhh!" ricky whisper shouted. "and i have to get my bookbag, and then my teacher will see and then she'll ask why i've been gone and-"

"i can get it for you, the bell rings in three minutes, just go back to the bathrooms and i'll get it. i don't care if a teacher says shit to me." chris stopped abruptly, pushing ricky into the bathrooms. "whats your class number?"

"it's one hundred and four, it's just down the hall and then take a left, and it's the first class."

chris came back just a moment later, rickys black bookbag slung over his shoulder.

"i'm leaving." chris said as the bell rang. "i don't want your idiot boyfriend to see me with you. but i'll see you tonight?"

ricky nodded and smiled up at the older boy, blushing as chris slapped his ass before leaving the bathroom.

ricky walked out, heading towards the cafeteria when ryan came up to him.

"there you are! i was waiting outside of your class but you weren't there." he said with a frown.

"i'm sorry, i had to use the bathroom."

"it's okay. just text me next time so i know where to meet you. also, i had the worst class ever just now." ryan complained.

"why? what happened?"

"well i got assigned a project with this boy chris, he's new so you don't know him, but anyways apparently he's not going to participate at all. he was so rude and inappropriate the whole time and then walked out of class!" ryan exclaimed. "i don't want you around someone yucky like him. promise me you'll stay away if you see him?"

ricky nodded. "i promise."

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