BLUSH - Sakasaki Natsume

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A/N: Thank you for being my first request! I hope this is what you wanted!

Alternatively; four times Natsume made you blush and one time you got him back.


"L/N-chan~" Natsume spoke as he walked behind your chair, running his fingers across the span of your shoulders. "DoN'T you look stunNING today."

You brought a hand to your forehead and rubbed your temples. "Sakasaki-kun, I'm wearing my uniform. You know, the same one I wear every day?"

A soft laugh escaped his throat, eyes boring into the side of your face. "Be that as it mAY, but yOU always pull it oFF."

You turned to meet his eyes, noticing the bright red hair framing his face. You tried to keep your face blank, but you couldn't help the blush rising to your cheeks. You hoped he didn't notice, but by the way he snorted he definitely saw. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your work, ignoring the boy sitting next to you.


You raised a fist to knock on the door of his "secret room," slightly hesitating. Aoba-senpai said this was where you could find him most days, but you still weren't sure if he'd want to see you.

With reluctance, you knocked, a loud hollow sound resounded, followed by the entrance sinking into the floor.

"Sakasaki-kun?" You said loud enough for your voice to echo off the walls. A green-colored mist flowed past your face with an odd scent to it, leaving you sneezing. "Are you here?"

You walked toward the origin of the mist, slightly opening the door. Natsume was stationed on the ground, a beaker in hand. He was swirling it around, paying it more mind than you.

"L/N-chan, how surpriSING. Did you mISS me thAt much?" He spoke with a teasing tone.

You scoffed. "Like that'd ever happen." You held a small stack of papers in your hand. "You missed school today."

"MisSED and skipPED are two differENT things, L/N-chan."

You had to stifle a laugh. "Whether you skipped or otherwise, you still have make-up work."

"Ahh, and here I thoUGHT you were heRE to see me." He carefully sat the beaker down before standing.

You walked up to him and held out the papers. "Enjoy."

He took them from you, his fingers slightly brushing over your own. "I doN'T think that's posSIBLE."

A small blush rose to your cheeks as you walked out the door, leaving Natsume to his 'magic.'


You were rushing down the hallway to make it to Knights' practice room on time. It was your day producing for them, but you were held up at your club.

You squeezed between people walking and cut every corner, checking your watch every once in awhile to see how soon practice was.

2 minutes.

"Damnit." You cursed under your breath. You were still halfway across the school from the practice room — there was no way you were going to make it on time.

As if on cue, you tripped over your own feet clumsily. You held out your arms to try to break your fall, but the impact never came.

"DoN'T you know holdING your arms out like tHAT will bREAK them?"

Calloused palms held your waist, holding you up a few feet from the ground. You were frozen.

"Why are you in sUCH a rUSH?" He pulled you closer to him, turning you to face his chest.

You slightly pushed off of him. "Knights. Practice." You tried to walk away, but he grabbed you and pulled you back. "I'm going to be late, Sakasaki-kun."

He scoffed. "Not even a thANK yOU?"

"Sorry, I'm rushing. Thank you, Sakasaki-kun."

"That's betTER. Now, I know a fasTER wAY." He grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the halls with him, taking short-cut after short-cut to reach your destination. "Are you feeling oKAY? Your face is rED."


The unit Ra*bits was performing on stage when you walked into the auditorium. You quickly found your seat (near the stage) and sat down, listening to Nito-san and company sing.

'They're all so talented.' You thought, spacing out while their voices flooded your ears. Soon, their performance came to an end and the lights went out.

You snapped out of your trance as the vibrant lights switched on and a man clad in white, green, and black entered your field of vision.

An unfamiliar song started playing, and you recognized the members.

This was Switch, Natsume and Aoba-senpai's unit.

Their music was... different than most units you've heard before. A good different.

During their final song, you noticed Natsume wink in your direction. You put your hands over your eyes in pure embarrassment.


"Sakasaki-kun! Wait up!" You walked faster to catch up to his slowing steps.

He turned his head to look at you. "WhAT fOR?"

"Just wanted to say you look good in green."

His eyes widened as he tripped over his shoes, you being the one to catch him this time.

"Are you alright, Sakasaki-kun?" You teased his frozen form, receiving no response. "Oh? Cat got your tongue?"

By the time he looked up at you, his face was still bright red. You weren't sure whether it was a blush or from embarrassment, but you took it as a win.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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