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you began to open your eyes as you so all you see is total darkness surrounds
You remember this place it's a place where you travel between worlds you lost count to how many times you went through this then a bright orb flouts Infront of you recognize this is an orb of information to help you know what world your going to live in for this life you walk towards it then joins with you and the knowledge within becomes one with you

Y/n thinking : zemuria alot of land to cover and some places seem impossible to get into for the time being ill start around the erebonian empire also the curse will be a problem.

As you think a door appears before you with a bagpack knowing that its soon time to go you ready yourself checked your items and weapons in the bag

Y/n: looks like I'll be ok for a week but I'll need to stock up un a town.

You then open the door and a bright light envelope you when you open up your eyes your in a forest you also look at yourself you guess to be about 15

Y/n: looks like I now have a two years to find a way to get into thors now to find out where I am.

You start to take a path to see it would lead you out of the forest as you walk you fee a large gate with a sign next to it saying "lunaria nature park" looks like your near Celdic this will be a good place to get a map and take the train to explore this land

You then take the trail making your way past the farmland and getting to Celdic. You walk and found your way toward the center of the shopping market "looks like I'll be able to find just about everything I need here to camp and live outdoors for a while. You then shop for camping supplies fishing rods and some tools the help you maintain your weapons. After you got everything you needed you put them in your bag lucky this bag can hold just about anything and it's bound to you so I'll pop up when needed at will.

You then leave the shopping center and sit in a bench in the center of town thinking where to go next I can go south and get to legram and train and fight there for a bit or I can look to see if I can find Zephyr Jaeger corps that will take a while you figure to find Zephyr since that's the hardest one.

Time skip 5 month's later

You make your way through a forest the sun starting to set you find a place to set camp and rest for the night as you start up the camp fire you felt a dagger to you and hear a girl voice

???: what are you doing here?

You turn your head a bit to see a silver hair girl holding her weapon towards your head

(I think this is her Zephyr outfit even though she wore it in the second game)

Y/n: me? Well I'm looking for some people and got a tip they might be near this location. I'm not here to fight just wanted to talk to the leader about something important.

She didn't move her weapon till you hear a grumble coming from her. And you look at her.

Y/n: it sound like you haven't eaten anything?

She nods slightly embarrassed that heard that

Y/n: ok if you put that weapon away I'll cook some food for you too

She then puts her weapons away and you start to make the fire and preparing the food and cooking items and start cooking as you sit and ster the pot she sit near you and starts a conversation

???: why are you looking for us.

Y/n: I'm just want to talk to your boss about some important matter that I can't tell others too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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