Garcello X reader

589 19 16

Thank me bitches theres only like one book of this out there >:(



Also commenting usually helps me a lot because it motivates me to write more
There might be grammar mistakes cuz im dumb
anyways enjoy <3

    I get to my secret smoking location and settle in leaning up against the fence. I stare up into the night sky feeling the breeze of air hit me, it was always so calm here which is partially the reason why I came here. I dig through my pockets looking for the box of cigars. When I found it I took one out and put it in my mouth looking for the lighter, after a tough day at work I think I deserve this. As I realized I didn't have my lighter I sighed in frustration rubbing my eyes.

    "Just great.." I mumble to myself crossing my arms and setting my foot behind me against the fence only to look like a grumpy teenager who just got scolded by their parents. "Had a chance to smoke one and now I can't find my lighter." I groaned shutting my eyes. I heard some footsteps coming to my direction, I look up into the darkness seeing a silhouette of a man wearing a hat. I squint my eyes to try and get a better look, but he came out the shadows. He was wearing a brown hat while wearing a grey sweater. His hair was turquoise colored except it was more of a dull colored father than a bright one making it match his clothing. I immediately look away as I see him turn his head to my direction. I grip the cigarette in my mouth with my teeth trying to avoid eye contact as he walks closer.

"Shit what does he want.." I thought to myself as the strange man gets closer. I heard the footsteps stop so I assumed he walked away, I look at the direction he was and realized he was gone, "Phew.." I say to myself leaning my head against the fence once again. I thought I was gonna be in danger since its always so sketchy to see a man out of no where.

"Come here often?" I heard a male voice speak.

My eyes immediately reopen wide eyed as I see a figure right next to me. I look at the man realizing it's the same one as before, I back up in startlement but tripped over a unnoticeable rock falling onto my back the sad unlit cigar still in my mouth. I rub my head in pain and opened my eyes just to see the stranger right in front of me. We both were in our positions for a second before a lends out a hand for me to grab, I accept it as he helps me up. "Sorry darling I didn't mean to scare ya." He says in a calm tone brushing off my shoulders.

    I blushed feeling his contact, we was rather attractive even though I couldn't see his eyes due to the dark shadow casting over them. I decided to brush his attractiveness off since I've always had encounters with people like him but I tried to never get to attached since I know I'll never see them again.

    I walk passed him thanking him once again getting back to lean against the fence like before to continue my not-smoking session and just relax, he does the same but a but further than last time. I raised my brow wondering what he wanted.

    "I see you needed a lighter, I have one right here." He says taking out a lighter and a cigarette, wait.. Was he spying on me? As I questioned myself he gets closer to me turning on the lighter in front of me, I lean forward lighting my cigarratte. I inhaled the smoke as it entered and exited my lungs. I sigh in satisfaction at the feeling, "Thanks, once again." I say. He nods his head, "No problem."

    The air was a bit tense, the only sounds that came between us were the sounds of traffic and street noises. He hummed lighting up his own cigarette, he breathes out but the smoke was colored almost like wizard magic. I gazed at the smoke until it disappeared into thin air, I let out my own smoke as well. "How'd you do that?" I asked curiously. He spins his cigarette in his fingers, "Dunno, it's just a thing I can do."

"Can you do it again?" I asked standing up straight from the fence. "Uh, sure." He says, and with that he repeats the process but the smoke was differently hued this time. I whoaed holding myself back from touching it since I didn't want him to think I was a weirdo. "You didn't answer my question from earlier by the way." He says staring down at his cig. "Er.. what was the question again?" I asked snapping out my own thoughts.

"You come here often?" He asks once again from before. I straighten my posture, "Oh! Actually, yeah. Sorry for flipping out I'm not too use to seeing visitors here, especially if they teleport right next to me." I say rubbing the back of my head. "Its no trouble, at least you didn't choose to attack unlike other folks I've seen here." He says smiling softly at me.

"Mhm.." I say, breathing in my cigarette.

"So we're chill right?" He says putting his hands into his pockets in boredom. "Yeah I guess." I say doing the same.

"Cool cool, do you like lollipops?" He asks handing me a wrapped one. "Oh- Actually I do." I say. He grabs my hand putting the candy into my hand and close it. "You can keep it." He says. Once again my face turns red from the physical contact. "Woah, thanks-" I say looking up but he was gone. In confusion I look around for any sigh of him, I take out my cigarette from my mouth and inspected it, was I seeing things? Damn cigs...

I dropped it onto the floor stomping on it putting it out and sighing, I looked at the lollipop in my hand. "This better not be poisoned." I say unwrapping the turquoise colored loli as I put it into my mouth, this was probably a better replacement than those cancer sticks. I sucked on it holding the stick off it as I walk away from the alleyway. As I realized the wrapper was still in my hand I took it out and was about to throw it away until I saw something.

I unfolded it I realizing that it had numbers.. A phone number? I brushed my finger over the writing, "What a smooth way to hand someone your phone number" I say to myself grinning.

Im sorry that this short asf I promise to write more soon 😼😼
This is just to experiment with you guys to see what you guys like and what you dont like which is why I asked you to comment 🤧
But if ya want more you gotta say

————— Im sorry that this short asf I promise to write more soon 😼😼This is just to experiment with you guys to see what you guys like and what you dont like which is why I asked you to comment 🤧But if ya want more you gotta say

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Bye besties!!

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