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You walked down the wet, squelching grass field, starved, desperate and out of options. Your whole body shook as your stomach growled and moaned, desperate to be fed. The rainy night obscured your vision and left your thin clothes heavy and soaked. Everything ached and you could feel the cold digging into your flesh like needles. The villagers, those who had ounce been your friends and neighbours, even your own family. They had cast you out, threatened to put you into the asylum for simply one moment of weakness. You cursed yourself for being a worthless heathen, doomed to be rightfully smote by the elements. Finally, your shaking legs failed you and you collapsed onto the wet, muddy ground. You noticed a faint, orange light about 20 meters away. It was most likely from a building but you past out before you could call out to it.

Your eyes slowly opened and you found yourself in a warm, soft bed with a thick, blue duvet. You sat up and looked around the small, cozy room you now found yourself in. Your clothes had been taken off and you were now wearing a pair of fresh boxers. Beside your bed was a drawer with a cup of water, a candle and a large bowl of steaming soup. Before you could eat any the door opened and in walked a older women in a nuns outfit. She was a lycanthrope, a doberman it seemed. She was at least two feet taller then you and had a nurturing smile on her face. "Oh good, your awake! You were so cold when I found you out there! My name is Laverne, how are you feeling?"

You blushed and told her that you were feeling better all things considered. Laverne beamed "Wonderful! If theres anything you need just ask!" She said in a soft, motherly voice. Her clothing left her body completely covered but you could still tell how big her tits were, how wide her hips were. You could already feel your dick start to harden. You resisted the urge to touch it, you'd been so pent up since you hit puberty. But you couldn't risk doing that again, not after being banished. This was a nun, if the common villagers hated you for masturbating, what would she think?

Laverne left the room and you reached over and began eating your soup to distract yourself from the fire in your loins. It was delicious but you couldn't get her out of your head. You couldn't stop the dirty thoughts flooding your mind as you fantasized about fucking her. Ounce your soup and water were nearly finished, Laverne came back. You thanked her for the food and drink as she sat next to you. "Your very welcome honey." She smiled. "May I ask what you were doing out there?"

You blushed and mumbled that you were too embarrassed to say it. Laverne responded by gently placing a hand on your thigh, but her fingers brushed against your cock and made it twitch in excitement. "It's OK, love. Whatever it is, I'm not going to judge you." Her smile seemed genuine but you were still hesitant. She was so beautiful, her bright yellow eyes seemed to sent a spark through you everytime you looked at her. No, you needed to get this off your chest. You were sick of hiding, sick of the guilt. You were going to tell her and if she didn't accept you for it, you'd find someone who will.

You explained that you had come from a deeply religious community up on the mountains. Sex was seen as incredibly taboo and you had been told all your life how much it would hurt and how disgusting it was. But you still had those thoughts, those needs. You told Laverne that one day it all got too much and you began masturbating in your bedroom hoping of expelling your horny thoughts. It felt good, really good. Until your parents walked in and threatened to throw you into the asylum. You knew the kind of torture you'd suffer in there so you ran. And that's when you collapsed in the rain.

By this point you had tears in your eyes, only for Laverne to wipe them away with her thumb. You looked at her, she still had that same gentle and understanding smile. It didn't contain a hint of judgement or disapproval. "It's OK, honey. You've been through a lot. You shouldn't feel guilty for something as natural as sex." You were confused by this response and asked why she was so OK with sex if she seemed to share the same faith as your village. Laverne chuckled and shook her head "I may worship the same God, but I do not view sex that way. I believe that sex is a gift from God and we should celebrate it, not hide it."

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