for Palestinians

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Assalamu alaikum my brothers and sisters

We all know that right now Palestine is under attack . People are oppressed and assaulted. How they are kicked out of their own homes.  Many of the natives are killed including children. We have seen how people are attacked while praying in Masjid al aqsa. One of the glorified masjid in Islam.

What's more pathetic is how we are being blind to their pain and deaf to their screams. As a  human with a beating heart it is our responsibility to protect them and protest against the atrocities of Israel and what we are doing.?

The question is that what  we could do.? We can't force any government or any other people to protect them. We are thinking that we are helpless . What a teenager like me or An adult like you could do.?But we are forgetting that we are capable of doing much more. Why do we need to beg people when we have the exclusive access to get connected with the Lord above through prayers. Who else can protect and provide blessings more than the creator?
It's our responsibility to pray for them and don't hesitate to ask for anything and everything to Allah.

When our government brought  NRC & CAA we protested , we kept strikes and we did everything we could do. And can't you see Israel just applied these rule in Palestine, kicking out of them from their own land.

When a woman in Delhi was stabbed by her husband, people all around the world discussed about the deed. But why people are not giving much significance to the issue going on in Palestine?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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