I am Death

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Everything was deteriorating . Just like those Roman ruins you visited a few years back. Destroyed. Abandoned. Crumbling. Fires occasionally wafting horrid smells and smoke in your direction. And bodies. God the horrific sight. Bodies scattered amongst the rubble.

Why? You may ask. On Tuesday April 9 2650 the world ended ( or so everyone thought). A failed rocket bursted into flames showering its debris back onto earth. What made this even worse was the fact that the rocket was carrying a radioactive substance. This turned most of the animals into horrible monsters and almost caused a mass extinction of the humans. A select few with bunkers and survival skills have survived and are living underground.

It is now 5 June 2652 over 2 years since the end of the world and I have been incredibly busy protecting my humans. Whenever they go out to hunt, to get supplies, or just for daily walks I have to protect them. Or rather they protect me...

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