Rosalie: First Day

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She's probably got first day jitters. I remember getting those. I knocked on my student mentee's dorm room door. Hailey opened her door just big enough for me to see her. Her auburn hair hung in ringlets past her shoulders. She wore a long sleeved green baby doll dress with her dark brown back pack slung over one shoulder. She looked up at me with her light brown eyes and lightly smiled. "Hi, Miss Duncan," her sweet voice was quiet.

I shook my head at her. "Remember, when it's just us, it's either Rose or Rosalie, okay?"

She nodded her head and flinched. "I'm sorry."

My heart broke when I watched her flinch. Poor kid. She sure has been through a lot. "It's okay. I thought I could walk you to your first class. Maybe show you around a bit?"

She nodded.

"Does that sound okay? Would you like that?"

She looked up at me again and smiled.

I smiled back at her and put a hand on my hip. "Well, let's get a move on."

Her smile grew wider as she closed the door behind her.

"Your first night went all right?" We began walking down her hall. I could hear the other kids starting to stir in their rooms getting ready for their first days of classes.

She swiftly nodded.

"Your first class is history with Mr. Bienville, right?"

"Yes. Thank you," she thanked me for opening the door for her.

I had spent last night studying her schedule and planning out her route on campus. Thirty minutes till her homeroom class. That should be enough time to show her the route I had mapped out.

Hailey and I walked to each of the buildings that housed her classes. I gave her the map where I had planned out her route in red marker. We stopped when we approached her homeroom building. "This is where your history class is. You'll come here first. If anything happens or you feel overwhelmed, my office is in the gym.," I pointed out the gym on her map. "You can come whenever you feel like you need to, okay?"

"Thank you. I was really nervous," her voice was small.

"I've been there. I mean literally. I graduated high school from here so I definitely know what you're going through and feeling. So if you need anything or don't know where to find something, that's where I'll be."

Hailey smiled at me as she turned to wave me goodbye on the steps of the history building. I waved back, and she turned and walked inside.

"Sweet kid."

I jumped at the voice speaking directly into my ear. I spun around and smacked his chest. My friend from high school, as well as the PE teacher, Mark, laughed at my reaction.

"Dammit, Mark! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

Mark wiped a tear from his eye. "Definitely not. Sorry, Rosie." He kept laughing.

"Shouldn't you be working out with the football guys?" First period was PE time for students that were in sports for the season. First half of the year it was the football and volleyball players. Second half of the year were the soccer and baseball players. The last period were for those that were in sports year round, like track and swim team. The rest of the students had PE at different time periods throughout the day.

"I should, but scaring you is more fun."

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"She's the one that came from foster care, right?" Mark's face softened as he spoke about Hailey.

I looked back at the building. "She is."

"How is she?"

"Reclusive. Wounded. Hurting."

"Sounds like you after we got you back your sophomore year. Must be why your Mom made you her mentor."

A chill went down my spine when Mark spoke about my kidnapping my sophomore year. Word about my ability had spread quickly to the wrong people. Mark and my best friend, Julian, were two among a group of students and teachers that rescued me.

"You're probably right. How's your mentee?"

"Claire? She's," he chuckled, "something. These kids have so much energy!"

We began walking to the gym. "You're right about that."

"Nervous about your first day?"

I shrugged. "Not really. If it were any other school besides The High School of Vindicators, I would probably feel different."

"Oh, look who it is," Mark nodded toward the parking lot where a guy was getting out of his truck. Sunlight hit his sunglasses as he smiled at us.

"Julian? What are you doing here?" my childhood best friend wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around.

"Rosie!" He set me back on the ground and laughed. "I came to surprise you and my Paige."

I internally rolled my eyes and outwardly smiled. "How sweet of you."

Julian jutted his hand out to Mark. "What's up, Mark? How you been?"

Mark shook his hand and sighed. "Upset school's back, but other than that, good. You?"

Julian shrugged. "Can't complain." He looked at me. "I brought you and Paige some coffee. Gotta keep my girls happy," he winked at me from over his sunglasses. "It's in my truck." He jogged off toward his truck. Mark and I slowly followed behind.

"Gotta keep my girls happy," Mark mocked.

I let myself roll my eyes that time. "Shut up. We have to be nice."

Mark huffed. "You do. I don't. He's your best friend."

"Be nice," I hissed under my breath as Julian walked back to us.

He handed me my cup and I took a sip. A smile grew on my face as the sweet and floral liquid touched my tongue. "Mmmm. White chocolate and lavender latte. My favorite."

"Well, of course. You've been ordering the same thing since we were fifteen."

I shrugged. "I'm a creature of habit."

"Are you guys busy Friday night?"

Mark and I looked at each other. "I'd have to check with Gemma, but I think I'm free."

"I don't have anything planned. Why?"

"Paige and I were gonna have a 'celebratory get-together' to celebrate the end of the first week of school. It'll be at Bernie's. I rented a room." He beamed. "Bring Gemma if you guys are free! All teachers are welcome!"

"That sounds great, Jules. Elise may want to come. Is that ok?"

"She helped plan it, so I'd hope so! It was supposed to be a surprise but," Julian shrugged. "See you guys Friday, then?" Julian began walking backwards with the one remaining coffee cup in his hand.

Mark waved. "Yeah, see you Friday." Mark chuckled as he watched Julian jog toward the library. "He really never changes. I don't think any amount of fame could change him."

I smiled as I walked with Mark to the gym. "I think you're right."

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