Rosalie: Mission

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Superhero Daydream has been requested for backup for a Level ? threat. Please respond to 1400 W Jefferson.

A Level ? threat? I thought as I read over the alert on my cell phone. I had never heard of a Level ? threat. 

I was slipping on my tennis shoes as I heard two car honks from the parking lot. I peered down from my second story window. A recognizable blue truck sat in our parking lot. Julian stood in the open driver door, one foot in his truck and the other on the ground. He looked up at me and waved to me to meet him at his truck. With my bag slung over my shoulder, I turned off the infirmary's lights and ran down the stairs. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I approached his truck.

"Your father told me to pick you up for this mission so you would get there faster. We don't have a whole lot of time. Get in. I'll tell you everything on the way." Julian sat in the driver's seat and closed the truck door behind him.

I threw my bag into his back seat before climbing into the front passenger seat. As soon as I closed my door, he sped off. "What's going on?"

"We got a pretty good tip about a human trafficking location." He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke matter-of-factly. 

"1400 W Jefferson?"

"That's where we're all meeting. We're grouping up in secret first then storming the place."

That's why it was a Level ? threat.


"All of the top heroes in the area. Your dad will probably be there."

"What was the tip?"

"A ten-year-old kid named Joel Canter. He was recently kidnapped from his elementary school. He used his ability to escape and found a police station."

My heart sank into my stomach. "Is he okay?"

Julian nodded as he turned onto the highway and slammed his foot on the accelerator. "Yeah. He escaped before he could see anyone's face. Which would've been helpful, but at least he knows their location."

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"You have your outfit on?" He asked, referring to a supersuit. 

"You know I don't wear one. Where's yours?" I asked as a joke, but he pulled down the collar of his t-shirt to reveal his suit underneath. The corner of his mouth turned up into a small smile.

Julian turned into the parking building of the capital building that was covered under an invisible shield, so that no peering eyes could see the true identity of a superhero. Superheroes, that couldn't fly, parked their cars in this parking building during missions. It was disguised as a run down building whose doors were chained up. 

"Ah, there you are, kiddo." Dad kissed the top of my head as I joined the group that had formed inside the parking garage. "Thank you for making sure she made it here quickly, Julian."

"Of course, Valen, sir." Julian stiffened next to me but didn't shy away.

"The famous Daydream. Nice to see you, again." Dr. Calloway Clive, or Dr. Resurrection, approached me and held his hand out. I placed my hand in his so he could kiss it. His blond hair grazing the top of my hand. 

Calloway was incredibly smart and able to bring people back from the brink of death. Even brought one person back to life, earning him the name Dr. Resurrection

"Just Rosalie, please, Dr. Resurrection."

He smiled up at me. "In that case, just Calloway for you, my dear." He flashed me his brightest smile before trailing off to join the older heroes.

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