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I was there with my demonic father & his master. We were bouncing along in the carriage on a very crowded road in London. Master Ciel looked at me rather curiously but I ignored him. He started to get angry & I smirked but when Father noticed it, he nudged me. "Bri stop. We respect our Master."

I looked at him sternly. "He's your master, I did not make a contract with him." That's when I heard him start to growl. He was not pleased with me. He never was.

"Bri when we get back to the manor you are to clean the whole library by yourself, am I understood?" Father said. I nodded. "Yes Father."

I kept my head down as we bounced along the road. As we did I could hear Finnian outside singing. He sounded happy, I wish I had his happiness. I could hear Mey Rin speaking to Bardoy. The very quiet Mey Rin wasn't so quiet today. She was squealing about some man she met in the marketplace, I sighed upon hearing the news. She was lucky enough to go & meet men but even though Father trusts me he won't let me meet anyone. The only men I met were was the Earl, Finnian, Bardoy & Tanaka. They weren't that interesting at all. I tried to escape when I got the chance but Father always caught me leaving or the Earl did.

Never have I made it farther than the garden or the gates. Father always kept a close eye on me & I hated it with a strong passion. Suddenly I felt a jolt of the carriage.

Ciel's eye widened & he gripped the seat that he was sitting on. Father & I barely took notice but we both stood up & went out of the carriage to see to the problem. I saw another carriage next to ours but what I noticed was the carriage had a blond child about my age. He came out with a butler of his own. "Ah Ciel Phantomhive, my friend!" The child I had heard about: Alios Trancey. Alios was a bratty kid that I hated so much.

Alios took a second glance at me & I crossed my arms under my buldging chest. He smirked at me & started walking towards me. I took a stance in the black tight dress I wore, I winced at how tight it was. Alios kept walking over & I stayed still in place watching the blond child come closer. Suddenly my Father was in combat with Alios's butler, Claude. I looked back at Alios & I noticed he advanced closer. "I'll have you, I'll make you mine!"

I felt revolted at the thought of him with me. I couldn't believe he was coming after me & not some girl off the street.

Suddenly I saw Ciel step in front of me & he took out his pistol. "You won't lay a hand on her, do you understand?"

"No not at all, please tell me what your saying?" Alios taunted. Ciel huffed & cocked the pistol & aimed at Alios. "I hope Death takes you in, Alios Trancey."

Alios laughed. A creepy, taunting laugh. "You can try to send me to heaven if you really want to but I have my Claude here." He pointed at his butler who was fighting with my demonic father. Both men were in a tangle of fists. I shook my head & returned to my fighting stance. "Earl you should save yourself now, I can handle Alios."

Ciel looked at me with uncertainty. Which made me think that he forgotten that I'm his butler's daughter. A demoness. A perfect girl. I made my move & grabbed Alios by the throat, pushing him against a redwood tree. "You ought to listen to Earl Phantomhive, he's right about some stuff." Alios tried to wiggle out of my grasp but my grip tightened. I heard a whooshing sound & I was kicked roughly. I saw Claude's legs on my chest. He looked down at me with an emotionless look but his eyes held anger. "Do not touch my master."

"BRI!!" I heard my father scream as he saw Claude's feet on me as I struggled underneath. I tried to escape but with Claude being a full fledged demon I was outta luck with getting out. I felt my lungs tighten as I tried to breath but Claude's feet were crushing my windpipe. "F-father...." My eyelids started to fall but as they slowly closed a huge weight was taken off my chest as I opened my eyes & my hand rushed to my throat.

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