That Night

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"Mr.Davidson I need you to tell me everything that happened that night."

"I remember it very vividly sir, all the little things, all my little thoughts, if you really want to know everything this might take awhile."

The police officer sighed, and the judge gave a somewhat sympathetic look.


The judge said, in a soft tone.

I sighed.

I don't want to live through that again.

I already do anyways.

Every night it's the same dream.

"It was June 19, we left the movie theater at 8pm, we were walking to his house...

'Did you like the movie?'

'Haha- yeah it was great, kind dumb though.'

'Wh- dumb?? You don't seem to be taking the Five venoms seriously, George...'

'Haha how am I supposed to? The fucking toad got stabbed in his ears!'


'Hahaha-! Oh my god.'

We were walking hand in hand, and talking about the movie we had just watched.

His hand was so warm, and the way the moonlight hit his skin, his eyes, and it made all of his freckles just...pop, and everything about him was so beautiful...

We had originally walked to the theater in the daylight, I think around 6ish, we hadn't brought the car so that why we walked home.

'George, look!'


'Our shoes, they match!'

'You're only just noticing that?'

'I wasn't looking at your feet- I was busy looking at your cute face.'

He leaned in and gave me a swift kiss.

His lips were warm and slightly wet, they tasted like sugar, as he had candy at the movie theater.

When our kiss parted, he took a little picture, and posted it on Snapchat I think, once he was done with that we kept walking along, talking to each other about nonsense.

It was such a beautiful and quiet night, no cars were out to drown out our voices, the air was crisp, just how it always feels right after it rains. There weren't a lot of puddles though, so we didn't ever splash one another and there were so many stars that night, I could see everything, every constellation, and the moon was so bright, it gave everything a purplish glow.

It was truly, just so beautiful that night.

Today was a Sunday, and all the clubs were closed on Sunday, a lot of things are closed on Sunday's really, but especially without even the glow of the clubs it was so empty.

Everything felt so natural, and just right in the world, like nothing could go wrong.

I had been wearing a pair of shorts with ripped stockings underneath, some black converse sneakers, and a loose button up black shirt.

Clay was wearing a green hoodie, ripped jeans, and the same sneakers as me.

He gave his hoodie to me in the theater, so he was left with his white T-Shirt.

We walked past a fraternity house, all the lights were out on it, so we couldn't even tell there was a part going on.

Right as we passed it, a clearly drunk college but stumbled out, and started walking behind us.

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