𝑂𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑑 💙

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Hey! So this is my Percabeth one-shots book! These are just a bunch of ideas that I couldn't turn into full-on stories. I hope you enjoy it! By the way, in the Demigod (normal) shots, they're mostly married. So they would be about 23 yrs old. I think a married Percabeth is cute. Also in my book, Percy is a cop (not in a bad way) cause I just feel like it fits him.

"Bye, Perce," Annabeth said as she kissed him on the cheek before she left for work.

"Wait you forgot your-"

"I'll see you later." Annabeth grabbed her coat and left.

Percy sighed. This was the third time this week that his wife had forgotten something because she was in a rush. And today it was her lunch. He knew she was stressed and he hated it. When Annabeth was stressed she wouldn't eat or sleep she would just keep working. It took a very talented person to get her back to normal and after years of practice, Percy had become pretty good at it.

Percy dialled the number of the police precinct. "Yeah, Gina (ya'll get the reference?) can you tell Cap'n that I'm going to be a little late."

Annabeth was working when her assistant Stephanie whom she'd hired last week came in. "Annabeth someone named Percy Jackson is here and I think he might be a cop." she had a worried look on her face.

Annabeth groaned. "It's fine to send him in."

"Okay," Still a little unsure Stephanie sent him in.

"You need to stop scaring my employees, Percy." Percy had a habit of 'accidentally' showing up to her place of work with his badge still on. (Percy's a detective they don't typically wear uniforms)

"Sorry, I have to go to work after this." He scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. Gods were he cute when he did that.

She stood up and walked over to him. "Anyway, what do you need?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Wise Girl I think it might be something that you need." He chuckled and held up her lunch.

Shit, good job Annabeth aren't you just great at remembering things.

She thought to herself sarcastically. "I'm sorry, I was just so busy that lunch wasn't the first thing on my mind." Annabeth had been so preoccupied all week remembering to do stuff was difficult, to say the least. "Thank you. But you know I could have just brought lunch, Seaweed Brain?"

"I actually need to talk to you." He said seriously. About what? Did he want to get a divorce?

Shut up, mind stop thinking so negatively. This is Percy.

Now Annabeth was confused, and she never got confused. "You know we can do that at home right?"

"Annabeth you're always busy. You barely have time for me or anything else." Well, he wasn't lying. It's not that Annabeth didn't try to make time for her husband it's just that she always had a million other things to do. But she knew that she needed a balance between work and home in her life so they had decided a long time ago that Saturday's would be reserved for each other. Percy always managed to make Annabeth's Saturday's rather enjoyable.

"Well I have some time in a few days, you could book an appointment." She offered. She was joking about the last part, Percy didn't need an appointment to get her time.

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 | A Percabeth one-shot book Where stories live. Discover now