Chapter 1

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I wake up hearing my alarm clock blasting in my ears I yawn loudly as I turned it off it was about 2:36 AM. The alarm was so I can remember to feed and water my cat since she can finish them quite quickly. I was bored and didn't know what to do so I started to put my hoodie on and I went outside in the cold fresh air the sun beaming in my eyes. I decided I wanted to walk for a bit just to get some fresh air being all cooped up in a house can sometimes be tiring lost in my thoughts I bump into someone and instantly snap out of it "oh my God I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention it's all my fault!" I say sincerely I hear a soft chuckle "it's fine I understand I'm also to blame I wasn't looking in front of me" I look up to see a man with green eyes and messy blonde hair I slightly blush embarrassed at myself for doing that "yeah uh... I guess so uhm I have to go now" I say laughing nervously and start walking away from them to avoid further interaction that guy was kinda cute I won't lie, but I probably shouldn't be thinking about it too much since it's not like I would see him again since he's a total stranger. After the whole event, I decided I better go back home since it was getting late and I was still tired considering I started my walk at 2 AM you can probably imagine how tired I was. I slowly open the door trying to avoid any sound from the door creaking. My roommate hated when I snook out she caught me a few times and let's say the least she wasn't happy and trust me I don't want to deal with her yelling in my face at this time of day. I then quickly go inside my room and try sleeping for the next few minutes thinking about the boy I ran into today.
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed it sorry I didn't get to cover a lot in this chapter I will try to include more exciting events in the next one and make it longer I promise thank you for reading!~ <3

Word count: 386

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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