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Y/n pov

I woke up with the sound of the alarm as always. Slowly sitting on my bed I looked outside of my window.

Y/n: What's the point of waking up, same day same shit.

Rubbing my eyes I walked to my bathroom. As I came out of the bathroom I started getting ready for school.

School this word was like hell to me, I just hated going there, all the students were annoying but the most annoying one was that moster JEAN JUNGKOOK. He was a true devil, I just hated him I don't even have words to describe how much annoying and arrogant he is, that's why I try my best to stay away from him but what ever I do he always finds me and bully me. Yes he bully's me and I don't say anything to him why you may ask cause I don't want any sorts of fight. My life is already is the only thing I want to fight right now.

I got ready for school and started to leave.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Y/n: Mom I am going to school

Mom: Oh my dear Y/n I know that but what I meant was where are you going without having your breakfast hmm.

Y/n: Oh actually mom I already ate a slice of break so I don't need to have breakfast.

Mom: Why did you ate bread I would have made you some delicious sausage stir fry.

Y/n: Sorry mom but you can make it tomorrow okay but for now you should go and get some rest as the doctor said right.

Mom: Okay Y/n bye and have a nice day at school.

Y/n: Yup ( I said existing from my house)

Mom she is the only one I have in this whole entire world but for how long I don't know, you see she has blood cancer, depression, and anxiety. After my father ran away with his secretary my mom just started to go down hill she lost her job got depression and anxiety and then we found out that she has blood cancer and after that I didn't let her work not outside and not even at home, I just lie to her about my meals so that she doesn't have to cook and by that we also save a bit food.

As I reached hell oh I mean hell school my blood pressure started to increase and I was praying to God that "please god spare me for one day please".

I walked to my locker and started to take out some books for the first period and so far so good I think today is my lucky day.

Suddenly my locker's door was forced shut on her fingers and I screamed out in pain.

" Well a very good morning to you slut"

The End

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