Starting out

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I sighed, wondering why on earth would I need to learn abut the layers of the earth, I'm mean seriously who would be stupid enough to go inside the earth, its a death Trap! But whatever, I suppose school doesn't give good knowledge anyway.


The sound of the bell echoed in my ears. I packed up my stuff and started to head out to meet Christina and Katie. Outside of the classroom, my friends and I talked about movies and games (that's all we ever talk about) then we went to art class.


I pulled out my handheld while waiting for the bus. I turned it on I noticed a brown dot in the middle of my screen, at First I thought it was some Nutella that Katie brought to school but when I tried to wipe it off it wouldn't go away. After closer inspection I notice it was something on the game. Frustrated I pulled out a different game chip and swapped the old one. but the brown dot was still there. Puzzled I shutdown my game system and put it in my back pack. I pulled out my cell and called my brother to see when he was going to pick me up. He didn't answer so I shut off my cellphone and slid down the wall I was leaning against.


My brother pulled up to the school and I ran outside I jumped into the car right away I told him the strange dot on my handheld game system, he took one look and turned around. He grabbed my backpack and ran inside a hardware store. Extremely puzzled I followed him in to see that pwas talking the front desk "I need a new 3ds NOW" he shouted at the worker. Terrified the worker grabbed my 3ds and went into the back room. A few minutes later she came out with an identical one and handed to my brother. My brother inspected it and handed it to me. "Lewis why did you hand me a new 3ds?" I asked politely he shot me a glare and said that my other one was broken. I shrugged it off, I knew my brother was just as passionate about video games as me but that was ridiculous! While the worker and my brother discussed the problem I sat down and opened my new 3ds it had everything on it that my old one had. Confused I asked why all my stuff was still on it and the worker said she had uploaded all my old stuff into the new one.


I loved my new 3ds my old one was so cracked and it was about time I got a new one but why would my brother get me it? It made no sense I mean he's a great brother but he doesn't nearly get enough money to pay for a new none the less for me?
I decided to forget the past and get sucked into my game but there was one problem, I didn't realize this was a real game.
All the sudden a blur of static filled my ears and eyes. I blinked hoping it was just a little bit of shock put when I did I lost conscious.

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