"EEEK!?" jeb shout as she look around, she was in her room "phew, just a dream" jeb smiled in refresh as she got up to her bed, she fix her bed as she went out of her room "Sis!! let's go shopping!" The little girl jump up and down smiling in front of her elder sister "huh? what the time is it?" jeb said "10:12 PM" aniah smiled with eyes close "EHH!? that late!?" jeb said in painc "we couldn't wake you up, you keep saying 'gaara, i do..' thats why" sofia smirk standinf on the door frame "well i got a record!" charles smirk even more "GUYS! SHUT UP PLEASE OKAY OKAY LET'S GO TO SHOPPING!" jeb smiled with eyes close "yay!" the three siblings cheer.
~ 𝓁𝒶𝓉ℯ𝓇 ~
"What should we go first?" aniah said sparkling "hmm dunno..how about you sofia?" jeb said looking at her siblings "toy shop!" aniah said "girls shop!" sofia said "NO! GAME STUFF!" Charles said, the three siblings fight as they argue where they wanna go, jeb palm her face and said "okay let's play a game!" jeb said clapping her arms "huh?" the three siblings look at there elder sister and said "if your hand is down you stay and try again if your hand is up your done and if the one person win, we'll go to the shop where you want, okay?" jeb smirk "okay!" the three sibling said "good! Okay now lets go!"
"one, two, three, GO!"
Jeb had up charles had down sofia had down aniah had up
"Okay aniah lose, and i lose too you both go!" jeb said, jeb smirk and said "one, two, three, GO!"
Sofia had down charles had down
"tie! agian!" Jeb smirk.
"one, two, three, GO!"
sofia had down charles had up
Sofia sparkle as she jump up and down "Yay! i win NOW LETS go to the shop!" Sofia take the lead as her siblings follow her.
~ 𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓈𝒽ℴ𝓅 ~
"sis! you should try this!" sofia hand the dress which it was a small dress with small pink jacket with white shirt under it showing off the belly , and a small pink dress "HUH!? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" jeb said "it fits for you! try it!" Sofia smiled "whatever you win the bet okay.." jeb smiled.
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[This isn't me or my sisters-]
"i look ugly.." jeb said "what? you look beautiful tho sis!" Sofia wink "NO! THIS ISN'T MY TYPE AT ALL!?" jeb said "well not anymore it's your type it's so cool!" sofia said.
charles was with other girls talking and talking about "your beautiful" or "wanna date me" for aniah he was with his brother, charles notice that some girls camw up to him and ask him how cute was aniah.
11:21 | pak u too bestie, can you help me?
11:21 | pak u what is it?
11:22 | pak u too well..my younger sister won the bet and I...I uh..she dress me up like an 'girly' girl like i said i don't like dress and now boys keep coming to me i ask them "I'm sorry but I'm not into boys" they reply "ah-uh nope your not your to beautiful..."