𝐕.𝐎.𝐒: 1

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The rain poured heavily as it creates a loud sound against everyone's roofs. The crackling sounds echoed through the streets of Seoul, loud horns can also be heard to aware people to watch out.

The girl hummed comfortably not minding the busy street from outside the book store. She inserted her vacant right hand to the pocket of her hoodie as her eyes searches for a certain book.

"Found it," she mumbled and smiled proudly. After how many minutes of searching, she finally found the book she's longing.

She was about to grab it when a large hand grabs the book before she can. She glanced in confusion to the person who grabbed the book and was surprised when she saw her classmate.

"Sunoo?" she asked the young man. Sunoo side glance her to see who it is but then, he only ignores her.

He walked away carrying the book not minding the confused, dumbfounded girl. The girl who was confused regained her posture and realized that he took her book. She followed him with her eyebrows knitted and her hand unknowingly slip out from the pocket of her hoodie.

"Hey, that's mine," she said. The boy stopped walking and looks at her over his shoulder, with a cunning smirk plastered on his face.

"Hmm? I guess your brain is fucked up to the point you're being a delusional freak. Missy, your name isn't written here," he replied coldly which sent shivers to Arcee's spine.

"Still, I was about to grab it first-"

"You were about to. Unfortunately, you were too slow," he chuckled as if he was enjoying the scenario, which in contrary, he did not. He was already suppressing his feelings of irritation towards her.

"I was not. It was because you interrupted-"

"You're quite a yapper, want me to shut your lovely mouth with my lips?" he finally looked at her. His eyes squinted a bit, the corner of his lip tugged upwards causing his left fang to show. His tone sent shivers to Arcee's nape. It was sharp, threatening, and dangerous.

Arcee fell quiet, slightly trembled, because of the boy's dangerous tone. Sunoo noticed the girl's frozen figure and knew that he scared her. He should supposed to feel guilty after snapping out to the girl but instead, he smirked.

Now, this is what you call an "entertainment".

"Oh? Are you imagining me kissing you roughly, Arcee Yoon?" he teasingly said. He slightly lowered his upper body to be on the same level with Arcee's eyes. He stared intently to her eyes, awaiting for a response he's been anticipating.

Arcee immediately furrowed her brows and was about to deny when the boy cut her sentence off once again, by placing his hands over her shoulder, tightly.

"Or maybe not just kissing.. maybe me and you, alone inside a room," he teased again. Arcee felt her cheeks hot not because she felt butterflies but because of how he irritates her, he pushed the right button.

Sunoo unexpectedly leaned closer to her which made Arcee froze, again. He leaned closer to the side of her neck and softly inhale her sweet scent.

"..Fucking," he murmured as he let a cold breath escaped from his mouth.

Arcee immediately pushed him and now she felt her cheeks getting hotter not because of irritation but because of Sunoo's choice of words.

"Tell me if you want it, I'm always available, when and where," he leaned down to her ear and whispered with his deep voice. He glanced to see her reaction and when he saw the reaction he expected, he let out a chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋: 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐔𝐒 ☾︎ 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐨.𝐊Where stories live. Discover now