🧋☕️Not exactly Bakukiri☕️🧋

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This one isn't Bakukiri, it's just a Bakugo thing I did bc yeah

Again Bakugo has a little sister n shit

Type: Uhhhhh fluff with a tiny sprinkle of angst ig


It was the last day of U.A. before spring break, and MY GOD was everyone excited. As each class ended, the halls filled with joyful children, all laughing with their friends and talking about what they were going to be doing for the next two weeks.

Bakugo slowly stalked down the hallway, with his usual pissed off face. He glared at everyone in his path, but it wasn't his normal glare. He seemed a bit more relaxed, but only the Bakusquad had noticed.

As the final bell of the day rang, everyone piled out of the school, some going with friends, some going alone, some waiting for others, all sorts of things. Many cheerful goodbyes could be heard.

Bakugo was one of the kids who were alone. Buuuuuuut not for long, as Kirishima had come over to him to ask about what he was doing.

"Hey bro, what're you doing for the break?" Bakugo sighed. "If I tell you, will you fuck off?" he replied. Eijiro winced at the curse and nodded.

"Ok, I'm not doing anything really, but that is NOT an invitation for you to come over every day!" Bakugo spat. Kiri nodded again sadly, looking at the ground. But he then immediately perked up.

"Well then, I won't every day, but could I come on Wednesday?" Bakugo stared at him. "You know what, why the hell not?! It's not like you'll be bothering anything."

Kirishima smiled so brightly, Katsuki thought he would go blind. "THANK YOU, BAKUBRO!" He shouted, running off before he could be killed because of the nickname.

Bakugo walked towards a pretty empty sidewalk and continued on. He kept walking for about twenty minutes until he got to a school building. In big, bold, yellow letters, it said 'Little Hero Elementary'.

He waited for a few seconds before hearing a familiar bubbly voice shout "KIT-KAT! I MISSED YOU!" Bakugo turned and smiled warmly at the little girl who was running towards him. The girl was named Yuna, she was Katsuki's six year old sister. She was in 1st grade.

"Gurl, you saw me this morning! Are you really that impatient?" Bakugo asked, chuckling as Yuna stopped next to him. Yuna rolled her brown eyes and giggled. "Nope! I just wanna treat from the store!" Katsuki laughed.

"Who said you were getting a treat? I just said we were going to the store," He said to the blonde and brown haired girl.  Yuna stuck out her youngest at her older brother. "I'm kidding, now c'mon, we gotta go if we want to get back before mom."

The two Bakugo's walked hand-in-hand into a store, Katsuki grabbing a basket. "Okay, I'm going to get some of the stuff, but could you get the bread and peanut butter?" Yuna nodded, smiling.

"Thanks, remember, if anyone try's to hurt you or take you, you-" "SCREAM AS LOUD AS I CAN AND FIGHT!" The girl declared, finishing her brother's sentence. Bakugo smiled. He walked off to the freezers, grabbing milk and other things. I'm too lazy to go into detail -w-
"KIT-KAT, I have the stuff!" Yuna ran over to Katsuki.

"Thank you, my little helper!" Bakugo exclaimed. Yuna put the things in the basket and then held out a lollipop. "Can I have this? Please?" Bakugo looked at it for a moment. "Sure... only if you promise you eat all your dinner tonight, though,"

He smirked at her. Yuna frowned. "Even if it's cucumber? I hate cucumber!" Bakugo grinned. "Even if it's cucumbers." Yuna thought for a bit as her brother grabbed another box. "Hmph, fine." Yuna placed the lollipop into the basket. Bakugo glanced at her. "Good choice."

-time skip-

It was after dinner, Bakugo had made pasta. The siblings were upstairs watching tv. As the show they were watching came to an end, they heard the front door open harshly.

Katsuki ran over to the railing, peeking at who it was. 'Damn it, mom's home,' He thought. He silently walked over to a worried Yuna. "Yuna, honey, let's go to my room, ok?" He asked her quietly. Yuna just nodded.

The two just got through the doorway when they heard the front door open again. Almost immediately, they heard angry shouts of their father, scolding his wife for getting drunk. Again.

Soon, the fight got worse, and Bakugo locked his door, handing Yuna some earbuds. Yuna willingly put them in, Katsuki turning on music to drown out the screams of their parents. He sighed and pulled out his phone so Yuna could play on it.

After about two hours, Yuna was sound asleep, and the fighting had slowly come to an end. Bakugo looked at the slumbering girl and quietly got out of bed. He silently unlocked the door, peering into the dark hall.

His parents must either have been asleep or have left. Both were fine with Bakugo. He crept down the stairs, passed a few rooms, and walked into the moon-lit kitchen.

He reached into the top cupboard and found what he had been looking for, grabbed it, and went quietly back up to his room. Again, he locked his door and climbed into the bed with the fragile little girl.

He set what he had grabbed on the nightstand alongside his phone. It was the lollipop that Yuna had forgotten to eat, he was going to let her have it for breakfast.


See yoo later~

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