Asylum part 2

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Dean handed Alison off to Sam then he climbed over the fence and went up the stairs leading inside.

The three went into the abandoned building, Alison didn't like it.

"We have to be here?" She asked them.

"Yeah. What, are you scared?" Dean teased earning a look from Sam.

"No!" Alison stated.

"Ali, there's nothing to be afraid of." Sam told her.

Alison huffed knowing that wasn't true.

"So, apparently, the cops chased the kids here...into the south wing." Sam said.

"South wing, huh?" Dean asked. "Wait a second. South wing, south wing." Dean started flipping through johns journal. "1972– three kids broke into the south wing. Only one survived." He read. "The way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place."

"So, whatever's going on, south wing seems like the heart of it." Sam said adjusting his niece on his hip.

"But if kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" Dean asked.

Alison couldn't help but chuckle at that word.

"It looks like the doors are usually chained. They could have been chained up for years." Sam said stepping closer to the door.

"Yeah, to keep people out. Or to keep something in." Dean said, Alisons eyes widened slightly.

Sam and Dean turned to the door but Alison stopped them.

"Wait! Wait!" She squirmed in Sams arms until he put her down.

She hid behind his legs.

"Otay." She said.

Sam and Dean looked at each other and shrugged, then they pushed the doors open.

They started walking down the hallway.

"Let me know if you see any dead people, Hailey Joel." Dean said to Sam.

"Dude, enough." Sam said.

Dean chuckled.

"Sewiously daddy, stop it." Alison said.

"I'm serious. You've got to be careful." Dean said, scooping Alison up. "Ghosts are attracted to that E.S.P. Thing you got."

"I told you, it's not E.S.P. I just have strange vibes sometimes, weird dreams." Sam said.

"Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell."

"Do you get any reading on that thing or not?" Sam asked annoyed.

"No. Of course, it doesn't mean nobody's home." Dean said, Ali sighed.

"Spirits can't appear during certain hours." Sam said.

"The freaks come out at night. Hey, Sam. Who do you think is a hotter psychic— Patricia arquette, Jennifer love Hewitt, or you?" Dean asked.

Sam hit dean in the shoulder making him laugh.

They went into another room and Sam coughed while Dean whistled and put Alison down.

They looked around the room.

"Man. Electroshock, lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people, kind of like my man jack in Cukoos nest." Dean said. "So, what do you think? Ghosts are possessing people?" He asked.

"Maybe. Maybe it's more like amityville or  the smurl haunting." Sam said.

"Ah, spirits driving them insane, kind of like my man jack in the shining." Dean said he glanced over and saw Alison reaching up to something on the table. "Alison Winchester, do not touch it."

Alison froze and turned around with her hands up.

"Dean...when are we going to talk about it?" Sam asked.

"Talk about what?"

"The fact that dads not here."

"Oh, uh, let's see, never." Dean said.

"I'm being serious, man." Sam said.

"So am I, Sam. He sent us here. He obviously wants us here. We'll just have to pick up the search later. Alison, so help me, do not touch it." Dean said.

Alisons jaw dropped as she looked back at dean.

"How you know?" She asked quietly.

"It doesn't matter what he wants." Sam said.

"See, that attitude right there, that is why I always got the extra cookie."

"Dad could be in trouble. We should be looking for him. We deserve some answers. This is our family." Sam said.

"I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order." Dean stated.

"So what, we've got to always follow dads orders?" Sam questioned.

"Of course we do." Dean said and turned to Alison. "Did you touch it, even after I told you not to?" He questioned crouching down to her.

"No." Alison said averting her eyes to avoid making eye contact and putting her hands behind her back.

"Alison." Dean said.

"Yes, daddy?"

"Are you lying?"

"Yes. I sowwy Daddy." Alison told him as she wrapped her arms around deans neck.

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again, okay?" Dean picked her up.

"Otay." She said.

Dean looked at the table then picked up a plaque.

"Sanford Ellicott." He read. "You know what we got to do? We've got to find out more about the south wing, see if something happened here." Dean brushed past Sam hitting him in the arm.

Alison looked back at Sam then dean.

"Daddy, you being mean." She told him.

Dean looked over at her but didn't say anything.


Alison giggled at her reflection as she was making faces in it. Dean glanced down at her then back at his shoes. Sam then rounded the corner and dean leaned off the wall.

"Dude. You were in there forever." Dean said picking Alison up and walking with Sam. "What the hell were you talking about?"

"Just the hospital, you know."


"And the south wing, it's where they housed the real hard cases— the psychotics, the criminally insane." Sam listed off.

"Sounds cozy." Dean commented.

"Yeah, and one night in '64, they rioted— attacked the staff, attacked each other."

"So, what, the patients took over the asylum? Any deaths?" Dean asked.

"Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott." Sam explained.

"What do you mean never recovered?" Dean asked him.

"Cops scoured every inch of the place, but I guess the patients must have...stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden." Sam said the last part quietly so Ali wouldn't hear.

"That's grim." Dean said.

"Yeah, so they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good." Sam said.

"All right, so we've got a bunch of violent deaths and unrecovered bodies." Dean said.

"Which could mean a bunch of angry spirits."

"Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight."

(I know the parts to this episode are short, I'm sorry for that, but I really wanted to hurry and get this part out.)

Thank you for reading!

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