Chapter 2

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IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU STYLES!! I yell as I hear him laugh to his self.
I run down the rest of the stairs as fast as my feet can carry me until I finally find the ceremony with white chairs and people with Blue gowns and caps on I look down at my hands and see my cap oops I think to myself as i put the cap on my head. I feel a tap on my shoulder and i turn around to see none other than Harry Styles looks like you made it on time he says I check my phone 11:30 on the dot I smile at him as I feel someone touch my shoulder what's up with people tapping me on my shoulder.. I turn around to see a beautiful lady with brown hair and dimples just like Harry's I smile at her and before I can say anything she asks Harry you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend now did you Harold? The lady says as I blush but I feel less embarrassment as I turn around and see that Harrys face is Crimson oh we're not dating I laugh nervously oops sorry dear well you would make a cute couple she winks and walks away.
I turn to Harrys and laugh that's my mum for ya he says oh my god how could I have not knowed that was Gemmas mum oh I'm a bad friend I say as i feel a hand on my shoulder and my shoulder burns from his touch hey don't sweat it love Harry's says besides it's time he says as I look up and see student telling there speech Reign Castro oh my god I run up to the stand and I spot Harry making silly faces at me across the room I hold in my laugh and continue my speech and revive my award. I walk down the stairs to be greeted with Harry congratulations he says as he pokes my nose I just laugh and he speaks up would you like to go get some lunch he says i look around for Gemma but she's Leaving with Harrys Mum of course I reply to Harry. We walk to the parking lot where Harrys car is parked I stop dead in my tracks when I see his car a fucking Lamborghini lucky son of a bitch I think to myself as I continue walking and he opens the door for me and I blush
We arrive at chipotle I know so classy right? When we reach the doors of chipotle I open the door and air my hand out gesturing for Harry to walk in lady's first I say
He dramatically puts his hand on his heart as we burst out laughing and we order and find a seat as the cute waiter comes with our food and he would not stop staring at my fucking cleavage do me a favor and fuck off Harry says shocking me and the waiter I look to Harrys and his face is red with...anger? Nah ...thanks I say before we can make it awkward not a problem he says with a smile ready he says and with that we leave. The car ride back to my dorm to pack my stuff was quiet other than soft music of the fray playing so you like the fray huh? I say with a smile yeah there my favorite mine to I reply as look after you comes on ohhhhhh this is my favorite I squeal as I higher the volume I look over at Harry and he has the biggest smile ever on his face your cute he says very quiet I blush and pretend I didn't hear so we wouldn't have to start an awkward conversation but damn he was even cuter.
We pull into the parking lot of my soon to be old college I turn to Harrys and say Thank you for the lunch.. And the ride i blush it's okay really I enjoyed it he said yeah me too I reply so what are you doing now ? He asks well I'm gonna go pack right now Can I help you he says of course if u want i Say. I will do anything if it involves being around you he says to quickly I smile at him and blush as he does the same we walk into the dorms and enter my room here it is ... Well was I say with a frown as I feel a large hand on the small of my back I look up and find Harry staring down at me don't frown i hate seeing you frown he says completely serious I just nod my head as I walk over to the closet and pull out my suitcase I look beside me and see Harry need some help he says with a huge grin that would be lovely I say with a smile. We both reach into the suitcase at the same time and I feel his hand touch my and it send a rush of warmth, protection, and fireworks throughout my body i look up at Harry with my lips parted and we are still touching each others hands and he stares at me like I'm the only person in the world i see him leaning in and I find myself doing the same and before I know it his soft pink lips are touching mine in perfect motion and let me tell you I have never felt anything like This before electricity shots through my body and I feel like I could run a marathon are lips mold together perfect and he licks my lips and asks for entrance and I open my mouth to give him all access to me we pull apart breathless and we stare at each other for what seems like forever until he finally speaks up that was amazing he says I nod as a response my face flushed as I turn around and start packing again.

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