headcanons part 1

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Tim was adopted by Harley and Ivy which means that except from what he's stealing he doesn't have lots of things/money

And Jason found out that Tim's biological parents didn't spend much on him

So Jason started buying Tim things that he wants

Tim's surprised every time it happens and he looks at Jason like he's the most amazing person in the universe.

Jason's hiding food in their bedroom in case there would be lack of food (years of not knowing when will be the next time he'll eat)

Tim finds out one day

Someday Jason found a lot of chocolate bars and on all of them a drawing of a heart in a blue pen.

Tim's terrified of the idea of getting electriced

So Jason's making sure to explain Tim what he's making to eat if it including water and electrical machines

Jason also makes sure to never go in the bathroom with his phone because Tim looked at him with this terrified eyes and asked what if somehow water will hit the phone and there would be an electric shock.

Jason also makes sure to never go in the bathroom with his phone because Tim looked at him with this terrified eyes and asked what if somehow water will hit the phone and there would be an electric shock.

Bruce once found out that Jason bought Tim what Tim wanted to steal

He thought that this is a way to make Jason feel welcome to come back home and to make Tim stop stealing, two robins with one stone right?


Jason likes being Tim's "sugar daddy" and he's the only one out of Tim's adopted family who is allowed to buy Tim things

Bruce regret it.

Damian hate Tim, he believes that this "clown boy" making Todd stay with him just to make father and Richard miserable.

Dick hate Tim because he think that Jason deserve better than JOKER Junior.

Alfred sends them meals in the holidays and their birthdays.

One time Jason had to go help Roy with something

He didn't want to leave Tim alone because "Mama and mom will break out don't worry, I can call aunty kitty"

"Aunty kitty" was traveling somewhere so Tim promised to be a good boy and not blow fireworks in the apartment

Jason got a call in three a.m from hysterical Tim

It took Jason half an hour to convince Tim that he's fine and the Joker will never hurt him again.

Jason loves to hug or cuddle Tim

It's so shooting when he wakes up in the middle of the night, his heart beat fast and he's sure he's still six feet deep and he can't-

But then Tim tighs his hug and kissing his neck and it's easy to remember that everything is fine because Tim is safety.

They both fear from drowning, Jason because of the pit and Tim because of the acid.

So there's no baths in the house, only showers.

There was this one time that Jason got dossed with fear toxin and Tim had found him

The bad thing about that is the fact that seeing Jason in this state somehow triggered Tim's own trauma and he started laughing and laughing-

And when Jason wakes up in one of his safehouses, his hands covered in dry blood and Tim's on the floor with bloody face and not responding to Jason-

Scarecrow had a nice visit from Tim's mama, mom and aunty kitty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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