chapter 4

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It's been 5 months jikook have been busy with their work as Taehyung was focusing on his work in England as well... He was trying his best to run his mothers fashion company...
Secretary : Mr. Kim you should leave now it's fifth time your mother is calling me*
Tae: tell her I'll be home soon and also tell the maid to pack my bag for me plz... *she nod and left as Taehyung stood up started to gather his things up leaving his office*
*He reach his home and was welcomed by his parents in a dinning room*
Mrs. Kim: you are finally here...its been a long time we had family dinner come eat with us...
Tae: eomma are my bags packed up?
Mrs. Kim:*sigh* they are but eat something...
Tae: I am not hun-
Mrs. Kim: please i am going to see you after a long time now please last time... *Taehyung sigh before sitting down...start eating silently*
Mr. Kim: when are you guys going to come back?
Nj: we haven't even left yet dad and Jin is coming with me in a way back I am going to marry him and that's my final decision...
Mr. Kim: I am telling you he is not the right person f-
Nj: appa I am the one who have to spend my life with that person I know who I am happy with, don't bring this talk up again please..
Tae: I am leaving at 4am for my flight... I have gave Mr. Choi the contract papers show him some of the designs and he can decide the model... Thanks for the food... *he stood up and leave to his room and soon enough Namjoon did the same... *

*Taehyung and Namjoon are at airport... *
Nj: you are excited to see them?.. *he looked at Tae*
Tae: hm.. A little but...
Nj: but... ?
Tae: don't you think I would mess their relationship up?... I don't know my feelings for jungkook... I felt happy when he was around same as jimin... How can I feel same for two people?
Nj: you can talk to them about this maybe they know the solution... But as far as I know and had saw. . They both love and care about you a lot and it same for both of them... Do you know their address...
Tae: yeah they haven't moved since jimin love that house...
Nj: hope they'll be happy seeing you... They will be shock..
Tae:* giggle* I am sure Jin hyung would cry.. *Namjoon chuckle nodding his  head*

*taehyung knew where jimin hide his emergency key so he tooked it out slowly opening the door... It was dark.. They might be sleeping he thought... Not turning on the lights he placed his bags down and slowly reach for the room... But stopped his started to pound hard in his chest a smile appear on his face as he heard jimin's laughing from inside... as well as jungkook low chuckles... He placed his head on the door and tears started to trial down his face... He was overwhelmed... He was happy to be back... He love them so much that he can't even describe...*
Jm: I wish Tae was here... I wanna see him so bad...
Jk: hm me too but I think he is happy with his family... I heard he had became the best business men in U.k...
Jm: I heard that... I am proud of my baby so much* he placed his head on jungkook's shoulder as taehyung sob at the other side of the door... Jungkook notice the little noice coming from outside... *
Jk: who is there??... *he took out his gun walking towards the door slowly as jimin stood behind him... He opened the door and went shock... Tae was standing there looking down... But as he looked up he saw jungkook glossy eyes so he gave him a small sad smile which jungkook reply by pulling him in for a tight hug...
Jm: t-taehyung-shii... *he had happy tears in his eyes as join their hug*
Tae: I can't breathe* chuckle*
Jk : sorry... But when? How? Why didn't you told us?...
Tae: I wanted to surprise but I am the one who got surprised hearing you guys still think of me...
Jm: what you think.. We would forget you dummy.. *Jimin again hug him started to cry his heart out... *I missed you...
Tae: wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist *me too hyung I am sorry for leaving like that... *I thought I would...
Jk: you would what?...
Tae: r-ruin yo-ur guys r-relationsh-ip
Jm: thats why left? *tae nod.. *you could have talked to us before leaving... I love you tae... I really do... Jungkook do as well...we wanted nothing but you to be happy and that's why we let you go...
*taehyung was little moved by his words*
Tae: you g-uys love m-e?...
Jk: more than you can imagine... I wanted to tell you but you left...
Tae: at the hospital?... *jungkook nod*
Jk: would you love us back Tae?... It's fine if not we know you have a successful life ahead and we won't stop yo-*he got cut off by Tae giving a peck on his lips.. *
Jm: he talk to much... Don't he? *he asked looking at Tae who nod giggling.. And then turn to jimin... Pulling him closer kissing him as well... *
Tae: taetae love you hyung... *he whisper*
Jk:*pout* only hyung?...what about me?..
Vmin:*laugh* we love you too...*and slowly his pout into a loving smile showing his bunny teeth... *
Tae: and also Namjoon hyung is going to propose Jin hyung soon... They are going to get married...
Jk: yahh he didn't told me this...
Jm: you look very different... *he was staring at Tae*
Tae: well maybe it's because you are looking at me after a long time... *Jimin kept his eyes on Tae... Not looking away  ...
Jm: In a good way... *smile*
Jk: so you gonna ignore me now okay... *he switch his gaze to jungkook... *stop being dramatic kookie... *he playfully rolled his eyes.. *yah don't roll you eyes at me... Hey don't ignore me look here...
*jungkook wasn't looking at Jimin he like playing with him... Jimin pout*
Tae: yah don't make my hyung sad little boy *he held jungkook's chin turning his face towards Jimin... And smile made it way on his face...
Jk: I love you... *he hug Jimin*
Jm: I love you too Tae...
Jk: *whisper* acting up huh? Wanna be punished *smirk*
Jm: ahh no move.. *he push jungkook away lightly who was busy laughing his nose off*
Tae: what did he said to make you look like a tomato hyung? *he asked wiggling his eyebrows*
Jm: both of you are same... Crazy... By the way have you eaten something Tae?..
Tae: I hate the food in plane...
Jm: I'll get you something to eat...kook wanna eat ice cream?*he nod Jimin ruffle their hair befores leaving*
Tae:he is happy... *look down* I am sorry again jungkook.. Because of me you guys were hurt.... *next thing he knew was jungkook kissing him passionately... *
Tae: kook ahh~ *he let out a moan as he felt jungkook's hand in his shirt and after few seconds of making out they laid in bed embracing each other...
Jk: Jimin waited a lot for you to come back... He would cry all night he waited for you to call him...
Tae: he could have call me I was waiting for his call... *pout*
Jk: he thought your busy that's why didn't...
Jm: can someone open the door for me plzz*he said from behind the closed door... Jungkook got up to open the door both start giggling at jm's cuteness*
Jm: thank you.. *jungkook took the tray
From Jimin and put it down on the bed*
Tae: wah hyung thank you... I wanted this... *he picked up the bowl on noodles and start eating.. As well jungkook picked up his ice cream bowl start eating feeding Jimin as well.... *
Soon the were done, even though it was late none of them were sleepy so the decided to watch a movie picking a random movie turns out to be a romantic one turned their situation little awkward.. *
Jm: want me to change the movie?
Jk: ye-
Tae: no no I wanna watch...*he was into it enjoying the movie... But not for really long the "scene" In the movie made him look at them and they were trying to avoid his eye contact...
Tae: umm who have the remote... *Jimin handed him the remote and he turn off the TV... He hid himself under the blanket... Hugging jimin's waist... *
While jikook look at each other tryna hold their laugh... Soon they were in bed tryna sleep after what happened a minute ago... Jungkook opened his eyes as he heard jimin whimper lightly... He knew what is happening... He looked up seeing tae's face on sleepy jimin's neck...
Jk:*he closed his eyes... Until he felt a tiny hand on his waist he smile knowing it's Jimin hugging him...they fall a sleep holding each other in their embraces...

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