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"These girls aren't coming to class?", Nonso asks Tade as he leaves different books on each chairs to keep the seat for the girls. "Audrey is one unbeatable late comer, Busayo and Teni should be here soon ", Tade replies. Jason doesn't pay attention to their discussion. Busayo and Teni comes in.
"Hey guys ", they both echo and exchange greetings with everyone. "Jason, how was your outing with Audrey?", Busayo asks. "Outing?... oh yes, was cool", he replies weirdly and Audrey walks in, probably overhears the discussion and she goes on to greet everyone casually and leaves, to another seat. Remember the lonely seat she always sit on before having friends.
"What's wrong with Audrey?", Charles asks concerned
"I don't know, I'll talk to her after the class.", Toni replies

"Busayo, you gan.", Teni says
"Aaah, what did I do now?", Busayo replies

"Why should you ask Jason how the outing went?", Teni says

"But the guys are aware they went out. I was just being concerned", She convinces

"No, you are not being concerned. You are about to ruin things and get things all complicated. Sometimes you should shut up for real", Teni says

"Are you alright? Why are you insulting me? what have I done wrong?", She protests

"Just get out abeg "' Teni says as she leaves Busayo to meet Audrey.

Audrey's pov

Things are about to get all messy and here I am watching Jason treat me like a mess. Why did he reply that way when i greeted him, why did he reply Busayo's question weirdly, isn't he proud of hanging out with me? Is everything normal or I'm just overthinking things. We were both close and cool on saturday and it's Monday and he's acting weird.
The class is unnecessarily and annoyingly long and i can't wait to leave school.

"Audrey, do you know the answer?", Teni asks
I almost forgot Teni left the gang and came to sit close to me, how cute. I tell her the answer and she gives it back to the Lecturer.
"Good", the Lecturer says and everyone in the class turns towards our direction. Oh please, y'all aren't so smart.

Bad news?? There's another class holding, so I have to remain in school. With Teni beside me, I can't ignore the others.

The class ends and Busayo walks up to Teni and me.
"my love", she says hugging me
"Sayo", I manage a fake smile

"Teni, i'm sorry for acting immature. I didn't know i was going to mess things up ", Busayo's pouts
"Aww, you don't have to apologize ", I say

"she has to. she messed up, so yes.", Teni counters

"it's all good, fashi it", I say

The boys come to join us

Tade hugs me. "Are you good?"? he asks

"Yes i am ", i reply, playfully punching him

Charles is eating chocolates and i snatch it from him

"That's why you are getting tinier, when you're always living on junk ", Charles says running away to avoid me hitting him
"Don't let me catch you"

"Jason always say that you take too much junk hence your stagnant height ", Tade teases

"Fuck you all", i shout

Teni and Tony is busy doing couple talk, ignoring the drama i was creating with Charles and Tade.

Tade takes Busayo out of the class causing me to pout. "Single pringle ", Charles teases

"You have so much fun teasing me abi?", I ask
"it's all fun babyyyyyyy ", he says, dashing out of the class.

i'm all alone with my phone. Where's Jason? I need to talk to him

I leave the class to search for him
I proceed to the field and he is nowhere to be found. I sit and watch the 400 level boys play ball. I was bored

"Hey", a male voice distracts me

"hi", i turn and give a disappointed look

"I'm Sam", he says

"Audrey ", I reply coldly

"waiting for someone?", he asks

"yeah, my friend ", i reply

"alright, can i get your number before leaving?", he asks

"alright ", i type the number
I see Jason walking in with a girl. She's not Karen so who's she.. She's tall, almost his height and very big. Why does she look like a giant.. She's not even fine... I console myself

"Audrey", Jason calls
Gather yourself, don't mess things up

"oh Jason. hi", i reply coldly
same energy, petty much

"What are you doing here?", he asks

"nothing ", i reply, glued to my phone

"oh okay then. see you around ", he says walking away

what??? he couldn't even wait to talk to me or take me where he was going

and the stupid girl was feeling like a queen, what the actual fuck???

So Jason is back to treating me like a regular girl.
Should i have prevented the outing
Did i do anything wrong
Did i say anything
Was i too closed, should i have loosened up
Why's he acting so distant
was he angry i told Busayo and Teni about our outing? What have i done wrong this time. Have i ruined things??

I go back to the faculty for the next class and I avoid Jason at all cost. He doesn't seem to care about the state of things between us. Am i going to be another Karen, we were never a thing to start with. Is he going to use me like how he used other girls. I actually thought we were getting somewhere and it's looking like there was never a progress.
My thoughts are interrupted by Charles.
"Coming to watch Jason play today?"
"Oh no. I have to be at the hospital ", I reply

I'm actually supposed to be at the hospital this afternoon, I was going to join Mom at the office and go together to the hospital. I didn't know Jason overheard our discussion. He turns to look at me and give me a "really???" look.
I ignore him and bid the others farewell before leaving for my apartment.

I'm back to overthinking and worrying about what could have gone wrong. He couldn't even come to ask me why i was going to the hospital, instead he gave me a very disturbing look.
I picked up my phone to drop a message for him. I was halfway done... you know what, it's not even necessary
i clear all i've been typing.
i'll just let things slide and watch things go down the drain. I'll expect the worst, it was nice knowing him. i just hope our distance doesn't affect how the others feel about me. everyone saw me as their confidant, they all opened up to me, i became so free around them. Is Jason mad at me for taking his friends from him? Is he mad that i've become the point of attraction.

i hear a car park in front of my apartment

"mom", i say

"don't mom me. did you look at the time?", she scolds

"i'm sorry mom. we can leave now", i reply coldly

"are you good baby?", she asks

"yes mom" I reply coldly
The drive to the hospital is tiring, mom tries to kick me out of my sulky mood and initiate different conversations
I check my phone constantly, hoping to get a message from Jason but i get none.

I'm sad.

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