Skin crawling

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Do you ever feel that you're not who you should be. It's as if the world made it so that you feel uncomfortable every second. Well you're not alone I feel as though deep down I'm in the wrong skin, if you know what I mean. 

When i'm lying down it's as if something is trying to get out but it just can't, it just won't. 

Today is my last day of school and one of my friends invited me to a sleep over. If i was able to change bodies I would, with him. He's practically flawless, his perfect: face, communication skills, family, talents and so much more. I envy him.

When the last lesson was over we walked over to his house and did what most people do at sleep-overs such as eat food till we can't anymore, watch horror flims to see who can last the longest, talk about random things that cross our minds and just do things to make each other laugh. When it was around 2am we decided to sleep, it was peaceful.

Around 3 hours later I woke up in a panic as i heard a noise which creeped me out. I stood up to see if everything was okay, it wasn't. There was a skeleton in the bed. I put my hands over my face only to notice my skin had changed colour. I rushed over to a mirror see that I wasn't me. I was him. This has to be a dream, right? 

In the corner of the mirror something began to crawl, it was me. No, it wasn't me it was my skin heading straight over to my friend. I couldn't help but laugh this is what i wished for, I just didn't expect that my wish would actually come true.

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