06 - Every blessing is a curse

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Pov: Louis 

there were what seemed like a hundred paparazzi, taking billions of pictures. Harry and I were still in each other's arms when Simon, who looked like he was about to have a heart attack, pulled us apart as he grabbed harry roughly by the arm.

He then brought in all the paparazzi, closed the door behind them, and made us sit around the coffee table.

he took the first paper on the table and began to write something frenetically, silence fell around him. I glanced at Harry, he seemed as lost, scared as I was.

"On this paper is written a contract which each of you will sign, without exception. You must swear that you will never leak these images to anyone nor talk about them in any way. Then you will be able to go " Simon stated confidently.

"And what do we get in return?

- Money. Lots of money."

I was wrecked, he was really going to get away with it. I thought this would've been our way out.  I thought we would finally get to live as every couple does,  we would've been free. 

When devastated we are loose in the ocean and in need of a lifeboat rescue. my lifeboat rescue was Harry and if Simon took him away from me then I don't know what I would do. He has always been by my side.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

When the intruders started leaving, one of them glared at me and yelled "faggot".  Harry, offended was about to stand and punch him in the face but Simon gave him a death stare that stopped Harry immediately.

 When anger boils up, take the pot off the heat and open the lid. You gotta let that steam dissipate safely into the ether so that's what I did. 

I wrapped my arms around Harry and sat him down, gently stroking his hair. As the air escaped from his soft pink and plump lips regularly and slowly, all I could think about is how I just wanted to kiss him one more time. Then, as if he could read my mind, he turned to me and kissed me. with one of those kisses that means: I love you, we'll fight this together.

 If the eyes are the gateway to the soul, the lips are the same thing for the body. They are softness, passion, and the promise of the sweetness to come.

But we had forgotten something, or should I say someone.

"you two are disgusting, stop this right now and listen to me" Simon declared, offended.

There was something wrong with the way he treated us as if his brain was a rotten fish and his thoughts were just as foul. But we were used to it and we learned that it's better to listen to what Simon says if you want to keep living a peaceful life. so we moved away from each other but still holding hands.

"so as you saw earlier, unless your disease also makes you blind, I made all the paparazzi who walked into the room sign a contract." 

I should also make it clear that Simon thinks being anything other than straight is a disease.

"Now, as we were talking about earlier, Louis. We'll see how to organize your friend, Harry's coming out.

- But didn't you just spend millions to stop people from spreading the news?

- I sure did and you both are gonna pay for this. But I did it for a reason." 

he turned to face Harry, with an evil smile.

" I did it because if you come out now as gay, bisexual or whatever, it will for sure be big publicity but not huge. I need to prepare for the event, you could do it at the brits for example, and before the ceremony, we would drop hints to make the fandom even eager and then announce the big news."

Harry turned, but too slowly to be normal. When he spoke his voice trailed slowly like his words were unwilling to take flight. There was a sadness in his eyes, the green too glossy.

"You're an arrogant motherfucker, so go to hell"

After that, he left the room. Not wanting to stay with Simon alone, nor to let Harry down, I followed him.

"Harry wait!"

He was right in front of the door of the hallway, he stopped running and turned to face me.

"Listen,  a life of higher joys is a life with more tears of all kinds. Every blessing is a curse. Only by accepting the curse in full measure can you receive the blessing in full measure. I love you. If I ever lose you, I will be destroyed. You are my greatest blessing. Don't let him tear us apart."

His tears were streaming down his face, now red because of anger but he still looked angelic.

" Louis, as starlight to the black heavens, the beauty of your heart is to my world."

I wanted to answer, I really wanted and I would have done it if Lottie had not entered the hallway and opened the door wide, smashing Harry.

" Heyyy I've been searching you everywhere since the concert ended! where were you?

- Yeah I'm fine don't worry no need to ask" Harry added while gently pushing the door away from his face

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Harry I didn't see you... Wait, why are you both crying?"

And that's when we explained to her what was going on with Simon. After that there was an awkward silence and she just stared at us with pain in her eyes.

What she does is nothing short of supernatural, and it comes from the focus she has. Lottie almost never cries, but that is because she cries in a different way. Her tears become her actions, her problem solving. She channels her love into helping in that wonderful obsessive way of hers. If you tell her you have a problem, either in words or in body language, or a combination of the two, she'll be in a level of discomfort until she has solved it for you... even when the benefit is solely yours. 

That's real love, that's truth. She'd protect anyone, help anyone because that big heart of hers hears the hearts of everyone - not the mask or self deception, but the real self... and that is who she responds to, which can confuse those who don't have a strong connection with their true selves.

 So when she is emotionless she is most emotional . Perhaps think of it as a sort of overload reaction - there is too much emotion to process and so her brain edits it out, the same way her brain edits out fear when it has no purpose. And what you'll see if you are really looking is that despite shutting off the emotions for self-preservation, she's still working on saving you, helping you, loving you... in a way that is enhanced by the lack of emotions. So call it autistic, or Aspergers, whatever stupid label you care for... but if you can't see her love, you are truly blind...

Before she even had the chance to pronounce a word Fiona also entered the corridor and opened the door smashing it on Harry and Lottie.

"Y'all really need to learn how to open doors carefully," Harry muttered

🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦

poor Harry, he keeps being smashed by the door,

Yes I know it's been a while since I wrote anything but I'm finally back, I had a lot of exams but now there's only one left :)

I'll try to write more often!!

byye love y'all <3

mwahh *sending you lots of love* 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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