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Harry hears a loud thud outside of his room. He lifts his head from his laptop and listens for any following movement from outside the small boxed area.

There isn't any noise. 

Harry slightly panics at the sound- it didn't sound like a plate or chair. Much rather someone falling. He refuses to get up from the soft bedding- knowing it was probably his heart telling him to exit the room and go back to Louis. 

He is so furious at himself that he went out to attend dinner with Louis. If he had just bit the bullet and sat up back against the door, the temptation to place his lips on Louis' would have never come into play. While Louis did ask him for the ill composed affection, Harry should've known better and excused himself from the meal. 

He closes the lid from his laptop and stands to his feet. The constant thought of leaving the room and checking on Louis is racing around his mind. 

He can't face him. He can't believe he just left Louis standing there frustrated and upset- guilt pulsed through his veins, and since his rut, he feels twice more aggravated at himself. However, while he did regret the kiss, he can't help but feel happy that he did. Louis' scent and the taste was something he had never discovered before in a person. 

He paces from one side of the room to the next. 

The alpha isn't sure what to do. His mind tells him that Louis' fine, but his heart is pleading to leave the room- he has a gut feeling something isn't right. 

Harry walks to the door and hesitates to grab the handle. 

He pulls his hand away and pinches his eyes shut. 

What is he supposed to do- despite his feelings towards Louis- what should he do? If Harry had no feelings towards Louis whatsoever, he probably wouldn't even check on him. But Harry did have feelings- there was no denying it, no matter how many promises his voice has sealed. 

Harry grabs the handle and twists it- he pushes the door open slowly and peaks into the room. The dining room is empty- the only thing remaining is a few abandoned bowls. 

He slowly walks into the room, and suddenly panic seeps through his mind when he smells the scent of Louis. But this time, it isn't in infatuation or lust- but instead is fear and anger.

Harry looks around the room, frightened and worried. The feeling is similar to when he watched Louis pass out at the party the other day- but now his mind was racing even faster due to the hormones releasing from his rut. 

"Louis?" He asks, looking around the room, but to his dismay, the sight of Louis never crosses his view of sight. 

He walks up towards the dining table he had Louis pressed up against not even 10 minutes ago. He spots the aftermath of powder that looks to be cocaine. Harry quickly speeds up to it, picks up a baggie close to some more powdered residue on the table, and holds it up to his line of sight. He confirms his beliefs once he spots the leftover drug that Louis hadn't consumed yet. 

Harry grabs handfuls of his hair in the midst of the stress outburst- he had no clue what to do. He glances around the room- his hands still firm in his hair. He decides on following the scent and where it is most pungent. His head floats in the direction of the closed bathroom door.

Harry quickly walks up to the bathroom door and curls his fingers into a fist- knocking a couple of times.

"Louis, are you in there- are you okay?" He speaks loud enough for Louis to be able to hear him. 

No one answers. 

Harry breathes out frightened and looks at the light shining out of the cracks of the door. He makes some sounds in thought and looks either way of him. 

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