the stripper club

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Hagrid woke up in his bed, but he wasn't alone.
there was an old hairy man laying next to him.
His name was dumbledore.
Hagrid turned his head so he could look at him closely.
'You're so cute when ur asleep.' He whispered.
Hagrid was very attracted to him cause i mean- look at him.
Dumbledore was the hottie of the school, everyone had a crush on him.
But hagrid was the only lucky one, at least thats what he thought.
He didnt know of dumbledaddy's other hoe, Dobby.
O and the other five but this story is not about them so were gonna ignore that.


Dumbledore woke up with a grumpy mood, his long noodle was still hurting from last night.
Maybe i should ask Haggie to massage it.. he thought.
oh no that isnt a good idea, there was still anti-aging creme on it and ofcourse dumbledore didnt want Hagrid to know his beauty secret. So instead of asking him, the first thing dumbledore said since he woke up was 'lets go to the stripper club.'
'omg yes but what about the children?' Hagrid said with an exited voice.
Dumbledore didnt have to think about it for a second
'LETS TAKE THEM WITH US' he shouted full enthousiasm.

and thats what they did.
the only thing was.. dumbledory forgot something very important....
Dobby was dancing today.

dumbledore x hagrid x dobbyWhere stories live. Discover now