Are you proud of yourself now?

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"It's too revealing".

A sentence every woman has heard in her life.
A sentence a mother has been required to tell her child.

This has forced us to push our crop tops to the forgotten corners of our closet.
This has made our hands nervously and involuntarily tug at the hems of our dresses every time we're in public.

My question to you is..

Are you proud of yourself now?

"Be back before dark".

This is what we hear before we leave the safe enclosures of our home. Not 'Have a good day' or 'Remember to have lunch'

All we have to make sure of, is that we follow the same steps back home that day.

Safe. And Sound. And preferably, Alive.

My question to you is..

Are you proud of yourself now?

"Don't provoke them".

Standing up for yourself is crucial.

But for us, it is something that jeopardizes our lives.

All we can do is ignore.

Ignore the molesting stares and 'unintentional' touches.

Keep our heads down and walk through the streets every day. Feeling like public property as they brush against us and slide their lustful gaze all over us whenever they wish to.

We can't say anything.

Or they'll come after us.

Like they have after many of us.

My question to you is..

Are you proud of yourself now?

"He's following me, can you stay on call?".

Have you ever wondered what we whisper into those calls?
Well here it is.

This is what we tell the friend or family member on our speed dial.
When we hear your footsteps crunching on the snow, close behind us, gaining speed and never stopping. On those empty streets we have to take on our way home.

You make us pray silently that we get through this night. Crave for our mother's warm smiles, and our father's sheltered embrace.

My question to you is..

Are you proud of yourself now?

But sometimes, the walls of our home aren't enough to protect us. When you hide among the ones we trust and love.

Like the devil in disguise.

"Don't dare tell anyone".

That is what you whisper silently into ours ears.

Justice for Aurna AminWhere stories live. Discover now