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little background you are a 15 year old girl. you are a sophomore and live with your mom, dad and your siblings. You have four older brothers and your two younger brothers. You have six brothers and you're the only girl and you're a twin.(wow) you like to play sports since you have bothers you got into some beacuses you played with them. Your favorite sport you like to do the most is volleyball and soccer. Your mother put you in club volleyball and club soccer when you were little. But you've been playing ever since you were 1. You are about to start your new high school since you moved school from california to arizona. Since your father got a better job here. You were nervous but happy since you were going to get a new start. Also, you like to go out with your brothers (you guys actually get along). You and your older brothers like to dance and like to go to the truck meets. You and your brothers are in a dancing group and your oldest is the leader for the group and you are the leader for the girls. Los vaqueros. They have people from az.. Our leader over there is Bryan, your bsf he moved to Arizona when You were 10. So he was incharge of the people in az. You guys still don't have a girl leader but they don't have to look for one since you are moving to Az.

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