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 Welcome to your new favorite mind-blown book.

Paradise is where you are going to have an emotional crisis because of every single character. You are going to love everyone and hate all of them at the same time. You are going to feel their pain, their misery, their trauma, and you are going to wish to give them all  a warm hug and to let them now that their pain shall end.

Paradise is where all relationships are going to be tested, and some will be at the edge of ending. Plot twists will keep coming at you one after another, so focus because everyone will trap you into believing their truth.


"It was the spring break, it was the end of sadness. It was losing hope, it was losing yourself. It was realizing it was nothing, it was realizing it was everything. It was feeling alone, it was surrounded by a crowd of people.
It was running away, it was my only escape. It was losing all and it was having all. It was killing yourself slowly till the end. I admit it, we were meant to be dead, not dead bodies but dead brains. We were meant to feel nothing. To kill ourselves by ourselves. To lose everything when we got nothing to lose so we started to lose our souls. We ran realizing that we will never go to come back and it's going to be late when we will know that it was a mistake, we ran and now we are too tired to continue. it wasn't the end of sadness, it was the beginning of dying."

      " To your seats. We are about to start "


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