2 - The Bully

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Afshari's POV


The alarm stings my ears. I yawned and look at my watch, it shows 7.50 a.m. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick bath. Around 7 minutes later I finish bathing and start wearing my blue dark T-shirt and simple jeans. I get ready to go to the college but when I look outside the sky still dark shows that it's still dawn. I regretly enter back my simple house and sat down at the couch. I take my laptop and look at the watch. It shows 6.50.  I can't continue to sleep if I'm already awake. So, I decided to look at my email that connected to FB. There are so many email from Facebook. I've got many friend requests. I don't even know those who send me friend requests. I've got almost 80% of female friend requests. Haihh! should I accept or not?

*few minutes doing own job*

I look back at my watch, 7.25 a.m. It's time for me to go to the college. I rushed happily downstairs and get my motorcycle. I got this motorcycle from my friends. They gave me as a gift on my birthday. They are my true friends. Haha!

I silently drive to the college and park my motorcycle. When I arrive a group of girls come to me and one of them take my bag. I was annoyed but I hold it. I tried ran from them but they hold me.

"I don't want to hurt anyone" I spoke quietly but I believed they heard it.

"Oh! are u talk back to me?" Another member spoke to me.

"Hmm... yes, I think" I said while looking at them with innocent face.

"Fool! Nah, take this!" they said while throw my bag at my face roughly.

"Hey! I'm Freyleshena! The book's owner! and one more thing. Serve your right!" She shouted in my ear before ran back to her friends and laughing.

I rushed to the washroom and clean my hair and my face.

"They are Devil!" I said while rubbing my face and make my hair-like spike.

"Just wait and see. I will make all of you suffer!" I shouted at the mirror and make my hair like a nerd again. I got out the washroom and walk faster as I can to avoid the Devils. When I almost arrive at my class.

Elneeva's POV

Dush! someone bumped into me. But, luckily it's not me who fallen down.

"Ish! Hello! Why?" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry..." He said without even look at me. I knew the voice. It sounds familiar to my ears. It's the...

"Hey! Nerd... We meet again. You're such a loser right. See, you are the one who fall down. Pity of you..." I said with an annoyed face.

"Hey! Move!" I shouted and leave him alone.

Author's Note

Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Sorry for the late update.

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