The Fourth Mafloy

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I hear my mum calling my name from downstairs. "Evelyn Malfoy, come downstairs there's mail for you" she yells. "One minute" I say. I pull my light blonde hair into a bun and race downstairs of our "mansion" as people call it. My brother Draco always brags about how were rich but I couldn't care less. "Get over here right now" my father screams and he pushes me with his wand. Our family, unlike most, are different. We're wizards, or the rest of my family are. I haven't gotten my letter to Hogwarts yet. I'm only a year younger than my brother. Im 12 right now. Yea I guess I'm pretty young but not that young. I rip the envelope out of my brother's hands and read it outloud.

Ms. E. Malfoy
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire England

I carefully open it as Draco looks over my shoulder. My face lights up. "Hogwarts.. I got my letter!" "Finally" Draco complains. "We will go to diagon alley soon to pick up your stuff, the both of you," my mum says to us. Before anyone else says anything I run up to my room, bouncing with every step I take. I jump on my bed and read my letter again.

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)
" What does that mean?" I say to myself.

Dear Ms. Malfoy,
    We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by not later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress 

"Wow" I think. Draco knocks on my door, harshly. "Open up right now Eve" he yells, probably thinking i'm going to listen to him. "Hah no way" I yell and crawl under my bed. "Open up now!" He yells even louder. "I already told you, not going to happen." I yell at him again and grab a blanket off my floor then cover myself in it. He keeps knocking. "Alohomora" He says and my door swings open. Dang it I forgot about the magic thing. I hear him walking around my room. "Where are you?" He asks. I don't answer. "I'm looking through your memory box." I don't believe him until I hear him looking through things. I get out from under the bed and he helps me stand up. "There you are," he says. "Shut up, what do you want?" I ask him, curious of why he would even step into my room. I sit on my bed and look around my room
It has light blue walls with long, flowy grey curtains. My bed is huge and I have a white sofa in the corner. On the other wall there is a water fountain and a giant flat screen tv across from the couch. My desk is across from my bed with my memory box on it. He didn't touch it? Ugh! "There are rules." He says and he redirects my eyes from the desk to him. "What rules?" I ask. Why would there be rules? "Rule one," he starts pacing around my room. "Gets As. If you get a B father will kill you." I nod my head, dozing off as he says a lot more rules. "The last and most important rule is, don't talk to any gryffindors." This one woke me right up. "Why not?" I wonder. "Their no good Eve, I'm just looking out for my little sister." Looking out for me? That's new. "How are they no good." I try to make him mad, and it works. "Just dont talk to them okay!" He storms out of my room and slams my door behind him. Mum comes into my room. "Hurry up Evelyn, we're going to get you stuff for school," she tells me. "Okay mum!" She shuts the door and I hear her going into Draco's room which is across the hall. I change out of my pajamas into a simple green shirt that I tie up with a white scrunchie and black jeans. I take my hair out of the bun and braid it. I grab my sneakers and hop downstairs while struggling to put them on.
I get on my broom and me, mum and Draco fly to diagon alley. 10 minutes later we arrive and I wander off finding the stuff on my list. I walk into the wand shop called Olivanders. I gaze at all the beautiful wands stored on the shelves. I walk into a girl. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" I say. "It's okay." She looks at her mum. She has ginger hair and she puts her hand out like for me to shake. "Ginny Weasley," she tells me. I'm guessing that's her name. Did Draco tell me to stay away from the Weasleys? Eh I shake her hand anyway "Evelyn Malfoy." She smiles and goes up to the wand counter with me. I'm guessing she's new to this too. "We need wands." Ginny says to the person at the counter. "Ahh okay, who first?" He asks. Ginny looks at her mum and she motions her to the man. "I'm guessing that means you first" I say with a small laugh. "Redhead first then." The man says. He grabs a wand from the shelf. Its beautiful, dark brown looks like it's made from something like yew wood. "Just wave it around." The man instructs as he hands Ginny the wand. She waves it around and a bright violet light comes from the tip. "I believe that's the right want for you." He says and Ginny's mum goes to him to pay for it.
A blonde girl walks in with a faint smile on her face. She walks over to us. "This place is quite beautiful, don't you think?" Her voice is soft, gentle. "It is." says Ginny. I nod and step up to the counter to get my wand. I can hear that Ginny and the blonde girl are still talking. The man takes a good look at me and goes into the far back of the store. Did I scare him? He comes back about 2 minutes later with a wand that looks to be made of maple wood. "Give is a good twirl" he tells me and places the wand in my hand. I spin the wand and nothing happens. He grabs the wand back and hurrys into the back again. What's happening, how come Ginny got her wand first try. He comes back with a wand made of willow wood. I take it from him and twirl it. Nothing happens. Ginny, the blonde girl, and Ginny's mum all look at me while the man is getting another wand. Once again, he scurrys back with a wand that is made of.. rowan wood? No way it will work for me though. "I'd get another wand. Rowan wood is way too powerful for me." I explain to him. "You're smart." He says, "But I think this one will fit you perfectly, just try it." His shaky hand places it in mine. I feel the bumps on it. It looks like someone carved a tree with flowers into it. I look at Ginny and the blonde hair girl who I heard introduce herself to Ginny as Luna. I slowly twirl the wand. An orange light beams from it and wind comes in from out of nowhere knocking wands off the shelves. Everyone looks at me confused, I am too.
"Perfect wand for you." The man says and I hand him some of my coins my mum gave me to pay for my school stuff. Luna steps up to get her wand while me and Ginny help picking up the wands that fell. The wand that the man gave Luna appears to be made of oak and it looks sorta like a broom or a closed flower. We put the wands that fell on the counter and a light blue light comes from the tip of Luna's wand. She pays for her wand and we walk out of the shop.
Once we finish getting all of the stuff we need, Ginny brings us into a shop called Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. "This is my brother's shop." She tells us. I see Draco and mum over in the corner looking at something called "Jinx-off." Me, Ginny and Luna walk over to where two redheads are that look just like Ginny but older.. And boys. "Hello girls" One says. "What can we help you with" Says the other. "This is Fred and George," Ginny says, pointing at them. "And who are these people?" Fred asks. "Im Evelyn Malfoy." I say and shake their hands. "Luna Lovegood." Luna says and also shakes their hands. Draco looks over at me. "EVELYN!" He yells. "Oh no," Ginny says. "What are you doing hanging with redhead, dummies 1 and 2 and loony lovegood." He asks. "Hey leave them alone." I step in front of them. "Why would I listen to you?" He asks, staring down Luna and Ginny. I grab their arms and run out. "Sorry about him guys." I tell them. "It's okay.. Eve?" Luna asks. "Yea im Evelyn Malfoy, but most people call me Eve." "Lets go get on the train." Ginny says while petting her pygmy puff. I have a snowy owl named Storm. She is almost all white other than a little cloud-like shape on her neck. Luna doesn't have a pet but she told us that she takes care of many creatures in a place called The Forbidden Forest.
We arrive at the train station and we see a boy with round glasses, another boy with red hair and freckles and a brown haired girl standing there. We walk up to them and the red haired boy introduces Ginny as his sister. "Im Evelyn Malfoy." I say and stare at the guy with round glasses. "Harry Potter?" "Thats me." He says and he puffs out his chest. The brown haired girl's name is Hermione Granger and Ginny's brother is Ron Weasley. Me, Ginny and Luna all hold hands and run through the wall. That's apparently how you get to the train station. A second after running at the wall we open our eyes to a big red and black train. Harry, Hermione and Ron appear behind us and we all board the train. While we're picking our seats, I see Draco out the window. "Hide! Dracos coming." I tell then and we all hide in a seat box thing. "Why do we have to hide from him?" Hermione asks. "He doesn't want me hanging out with you guys." A woman walks up to us, wheeling a trolly full of candy. "Anything from the trolly sweeties?" She asks us. Me and Harry pull out some coins from our pockets. "Will this do?" I ask. Her eyes light up. "Have the whole lot!" She says with excitement. "Wow that's really kind of you." Ginny says as I put the 50 coins into her hand. "Have a great day and a great time at hogwarts!" She says, beaming. We take the candy and Ron starts shoving food down his throat.
We arrive at Hogwarts and we get off the train. Before I enter the school someone grabs my arm.  Know exactly who it is the second they touch me. "Why were you sitting with THEM." Draco yells at me. "Because they're nice and worth my time unlike some." I say and look at him and his gang. "Just give us a chance." A tall boy says. He has black hair and he stands like a statue, showing no emotion. "I think i'm alright, now if you don't mind," I slip away from Draco and head inside.
I stand right in between Luna and Ginny, waiting to get sorted. I know I'm not going to be with my friends unless they are a slithering which I doubt. Ginny sits on the stool and Professor.McGonagall places the hat gently on her head. "Really, another Weasley." The hat says. "I'm tired of sorting you guys, Gryffyndor." It says. Ginny gets up, waves to us and sits next to Ron. Luna goes next. She sits on the stool and once again, Professor.McGonagall places the hat on her head. "Hmm your new.. Lovegood? Creative, very smart and caring. RAVENCLAW!" The hat yells. Luna looks from Ginny to me and then sits at the Ravenclaw table. A girl named Hannah Abbot sits down and gets sorted into Hufflepuff. "Evelyn.. Malfoy!" Professor.Dumbledore says. I sigh and await the pain of being stuck in a house with my brother and his worthless friends. I sit on the stool and Professor.McGonagall places that hat on my head. "A Malfoy! Are we sure this is the best choice?" It says, "Hey!" I yell at it. "Hey i wasn't finished! Hmm not like the others." What could that mean? "Hmm GRYFFINDOR!" I gasp. This is not good, I look at Draco and he looks SO mad. I think about if it's the best idea to fight with the hat about my placement but I decide not to and I go sit next to Ginny.
"Wait a second." A brown haired boy says as he gets a foul look on his face. "Aren't you a Malfoy." He puts emathis on Malfoy. Ginny puts her arm in front of me like she's trying to protect me from him. "Yes she is, do you have a problem with that Semus?" She asks him. "Yes Ginny, I do. Malfoys don't belong in Gryffindor they belong in Slytherin." He says as he motions to Draco. "Well I'm here now and we all know that there's no changing it." I tell him, trying to be nice. Everyone nods their heads but Semus. He scowls at us and keeps eating. Me and Ginny laugh, then dig into the huge feast on the table. Pancakes, fruit salad, waffles, a meal for royalty! After breakfast someone named Percy brought us to the Gryffindor dorm. Ginny told me that he's her brother too. She has like 6 brothers! Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred and George and Ron. Ayee I guessed the number right! As were walking up the turning stairs, two Hufflepuffs ran over to us. One I recognize, its Hannah from the sorting ceremony. I don't know the other. He has brown hair. "Luna is in trouble." He says. I feel my heart drop. Not Luna, she's like the nicest person ever, apart from Ginny. "Come on!" Hannah says and grabs me and Ginny's arms. She runs, fast and we get to Luna who looks worried, really worried on the bottom of the staircase. "Luna! Are you okay?" I ask and me and Ginny sit on either side of her. "T-the nargles found us." She says. Nargles? "What are nargles?" Ginny asks her before I could. "Horrible creatures, they take everything. They took my necklace that I use to keep them away." She explains. This sounds fake but if Luna really cares about this.. "Well how do we get them to leave?" I ask her. "I don't know," she tells us. "What if we make new necklaces." Ginny suggests. Luna looks at her. "We can try, we need the exact things though." She tells us. "What are those things?" I ask and notice Hannah and the brown haired boy left already. "We need a blue string. Not any blue string though." Luna says. Not just any blue string? "Where would we find this string?" Ginny asks her. "It's from the black lake." "What's that?" I say to myself. "Lets go." Ginny says. "We need to give it something to get the strings." Luna tells us. "I have 40 coins left, we could give it 10 eac-" Luna stops me and says, "no it wants things." "Things?" Ginny asks. "Yes, meet at the quidditch field once you have some offers." She tells us then stands up and leaves.
I shrug my shoulders and me and Ginny start walking to the Gryffindor common room. "How come things?" I wonder out loud. "I have the perfect things to give it, do you?" Ginny asks me. There's no one else around so I tell her yes. I have a snowglobe my Aunt Bellatrix gave me. I also have a snitch that Draco gave me when he caught it, thinking that it was going to fly around my room and ruin everything but I kept it safe in a box. The last thing I have is my origami flower that my mum gave to me 2 years ago. If this doesnt work my family will be so mad at me. "It's for a good cause." I convince myself and we enter the dorm.
We go into our suitcases and get out our offers. I find the snowglobe and the snitch then I go over to my bedside table and pick up my origami flower. Ginny walks over to me with a scrunchie, a microphone and a small plastic bag. "What is that for?" I ask her. "This scrunchie is what George uses when he braids my hair,  The microphone is what me and Ron sing into when we hang out and the plastic bag is what me and Fred used for a prank once." Woah, hers has a lot of meaning. I hope mine works. We meet Luna at the quidditch field. She has a beaker, a white bandage and a shoe. "Why did you pick that stuff?" Ginny asks her. "The beaker is what my mum had when she died" I had no clue. "I'm so sorry" I put my hand on her shoulder and she continues. "I used this bandage for the Thestral that Hagrid gave me when she broke her leg, and this is my last shoe." She waves the shoe in the air and looks down at her feet. My and Ginny look at her feet too, she has no shoes on. "Are your feet cold?" Ginny wonders. "A little. My shoes disappear a lot, I suspect nargles." She says. I still don't believe these creatures are things but if the school really is in danger from these things, I have to do whatever I can.
We arrive at the black lake and Luna bends right down next to it. Ginny mouths, "I'm so confused" and I mouth "same." And bend down next to Luna and so does Ginny. Suddenly out of nowhere a huge horse-fish thing jumps out of the water and swims over to us. Luna hands it her offers and so does Ginny. I slowly hand it mine as well. It grabs them in its mouth and leaves. "Did it work?" Ginny asks. I hope so. "Wait." Luna says. "For wh-" A weird squid like thing stops me mid sentence and grabs Luna with its 8 arms. "LUNA!" I yell. Me and Ginny grab her arms but we get pulled into with her. I struggle to free her from the creature's arms. It pulls us farther and farther down into the lake. I remember that I had my wand in my back pocket unlike anyone else. I motion to my wand and Ginny notices it. She mouths "Expelliarmus" and water fills her mouth. I reach for my wand but the creature gets to it first. Luna is struggling to get out of its arms but she looks so calm. HOW IS SHE SO CALM! We all reach for my wand and the creature drops it. I let go of Luna and Ginny takes my place. I swim as fast as I can down, down, down into the lake. A creature is coming towards me. The horse-fish thing is racing as fast as it can in my direction. It has something in its mouth. I squint to try to make out what's in its mouth. It gets closer and I notice that it has my wand! It also has the strings! It puts me on its back and I grab my wand as it charges towards the creature holding Luna captive. Wait, I remember reading about these animals. What are they called.. Hippocampuses! I grasp my wand in my right hand and try to remember what spell Ginny told me to use. "EXPELLIARMUS!" I yell while pointing my wand at the creature that has Luna. It blasts away and the Hippocampus gets Ginny and Luna on its back.
We reach the surface and the Hippocampus knocks up all onto land. It puts the strings next to us and.. Smiles? "Thank.. You" I manage saying to it. It nods and goes back into the lake. We all cough up a lot of water and lay there. 20 minutes later of just laying there I stand up. I put my slow, shaky hand out so Ginny can get up. Her small also shaky hand grabs mine and she stands up. I grab Luna's left arm and Ginny grabs her right one and we help her stand up. I bend down and pick up the strings. We help Luna back to the school. She's a lot less steady then we are.
    We walk through the doors and Harry, Hermione and Ron greet us. "Where were you!" Ron screams at Ginny. "Saving.. the.. school" She huffs. We shove past them and go up the stairs to the Gryffindor dorm. We walk in and admittedly fall onto the couch. "What's.. next.." I ask Luna. "Are.. you.. crazy..!" Ginny yells, well it's hard to notice she's yelling, we're all out of breath. "No.." I say, we need to save Hogwarts and I don't care if I die in the process. Luna seems too shaky to talk. She opens her mouth but no words come out. I can tell she's trying to say, "Lets rest and we can find the rest tomorrow." "Okay Luna." I say and Ginny looks at me confused. "She is saying... that we should get.. some rest." I say, noticing that my breathing is slowly going back to normal. "Stay here.. for the night.." Ginny says. "I agree.. We need to keep.. an eye on you.." I look and Luna and she slowly nods, getting comfortable on the couch. Me and Ginny move to the floor and lay down. I close my eyes and hope for the best.
    I wake up with a kick in the face. "Hey who kicked me?" I ask. "Sorry!" Ginny says. I roll my eyes and look at Luna. "You okay?" "Yes.. thank you guys." She tells us. We get up and hug her. "So what's next?" Ginny asks Luna. "Who's the crazy one now" I say with a laugh and Ginny gives me the "I hate you but im joking" look. "The cork." Luna says calmly. Her voice is always so angelic and soft. "How are we doing to get that?" Ginny asks her. "It's a butterbeer cork but it's special. We need to talk to Professor.Lockhart." She explains. Lockheart? "Okay let's go then." I say and we stand up. "Should we change out of our wet clothes?" Ginny asks. I look at our half wet half dry clothes and nod. "Yeah." I say. "What about Luna?" Ginny wonders. "She can borrow something of mine." I answer and we walk into the girls dormitory. I hand Luna a light blue plaid shirt with black leggings and she goes behind a separator to change. I pull out a dark green and black tie dye shirt and black leggings like Luna. I change and we walk out to the common room where Ginny is sitting. "We ready?" I ask. Ginny sighs. "I guess so, let's talk to Lockheart." We walk out of the dorm and head down the stairs. I almost fall off the platform because the moving stairs are, well, MOVING. They help me return to my feet. The stairs connect again and we try to find out how to get down with the new path. "This way." Luna says and runs down the stairs with me and Ginny trailing behind her. We're almost at the floor when the stairs start shaking. Ginny and Luna make it but someone grabs my arm before I can as well. Draco. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks me and Ginny looks at me worried. "I'm going to save the school." I say, trying to stay calm. "No no no no, way too dangerous, especially with those two." He says and points to Luna and Ginny. The stairs start to move and Draco doesn't let go of my arm. "Let go of me!" "No!" The stairs are getting farther and farther away from the ground and Luna and Ginny. The stairs are at least 4 feet off the ground now. "Draco don't make me.." I grab my wand with my other hand and hold it in front of him. He grins. "You wouldn't dare." He says confidently. Ginny covers her mouth. "Did you just say dare?" I question him. "I didt mean it like th-" Before he could finish I blast him away with an expelliarmus. He goes flying up the staircase and looks at me like he wants me dead. I look at the floor which is now like 6 feet below me. I look at Luna then Ginny and back to Luna. I take a deep breath and before Draco could grab me again, I jump.
    I'm falling down and I see that Ginny and Luna are trying to catch me. Was this a stupid idea? Draco rolls his eyes and leaves. Geez he just leaves me like this. I close my eyes, afraid that I'm going to hit the ground. I land in Ginny and Luna's arms, best friends ever! "You okay there Eve?" Luna asks. "Yea im just fine, thanks guys." I say and they push me to my feet. WE walk across the hall and enter Professor.Lockhart's office.
He jumps. "Oh hello girls, I didn't see you there." He says. "Sorry, we were wondering if you have three magic corks available?" Ginny sounds crazy and Lockheart looks like he thinks so too. Ginny looks at Luna and so does Lockheart. "We need three of the butterbeer corks that you gave me when my mother passed your quiz 20 years ago." Luna explains so calmly. "Ahhh yes I have three right here." He opens his bag and puts one cork in each of our hands. This seems too good to be true but I go with it. "Perfect, thank you." Luna says as he takes a drop cloth off a cage. Inside the cage are cornish pixies. "Wait girls." He says and grins. No no no. "RUN!" I yell and we all turn around and race as fast as we can out of his office. I see in the reflection of the clean floor that he opened the cage and the pixies are flying towards us. "Their coming!" Ginny screams. Before you could say Hogwarts, the three pixies take our corks from our hands. "Get back here." Luna yells but her voice is still so soft. We run after them but they mix up in the crowd on purpose. Now there are 3 out of a million pixies. "I knew this seemed too easy." I say as we look at all the cornish pixies. We start jumping at them but they fly higher. "I have an idea." I say. This is going to make me look so stupid. I climb up the staircase and Ginny and Luna look at me, confused. I start trying to reach them and they fly lower, just the right height for Ginny and Luna to catch them. I keep reaching up high and they keep going lower. I see that Ginny figured out my plan and she grabs one that has a cork in its grasp. Luna reaches for one and gets her cork. I sigh and try to reach for one but Luna got mine for me already. I jump up and down and so do they. I run down the stairs quickly and join them in a group hug. "Whats next." Ginny asks with a smile.
"Oh shoot, we're going to miss breakfast!" I say and I grab their arms and run to the great hall, leaving the pixies for Lockheart pick up. Me and Ginny wave goodbye to Luna and we sit at the Gryffindor table. "On my way here I saw cornish pixies all over the place." A brown haired boy says as he sits down. Me and Ginny look at eachother and try not to laugh. "I heard Lockheart let them loose on 3 students Neville." Semus says. "He's evil." Neville says with a worried look on his face. "No joke." I say, trying to fit in. "Last year he did the same thing to our whole class" says Harry. "Right after the quiz he gave us, about himself!" Ron complains. "Was it hard?" Asks Ginny. "Nope." Hermione replies.
After breakfast a tall brown haired boy comes over to me. Why does everyone have brown hair!? "Oliver Wood" He says and shakes my hand. "I saw you riding your broom the other day." When? "Oh when I was riding around with my brother?" I ask him. "Yes I was wondering if you would join our quidditch team." Oliver asks me. I've always wanted to play. Imagine playing against my brother. I laugh, "I'd love to." His face lights up. "Great! We have our game at 4." He tells me and I look at my watch. It reads, 9:30. "Got it, bye Oliver." I walk away from him and go catch up with Ginny and Luna who are sitting on a bench in the courtyard. I sit down next to them and look over Ginny's shoulder. "We have classes today!" I complain. "Yup." Says Ginny with an eye roll. "I actually enjoy classes." Says Luna. "I guess they aren't that bad." I say and stand up. "Let's change for classes." I say and realize I totally forgot to mention joining the quidditch team. I know Ginny plays, I'll tell them later.
I run into the dormitory, avoiding conversation. I change into the uniform. I stand in front of a body length mirror. Grey pants with a grey skirt. White shirt and a dark grey cardigan over it. And of course, my Gryffindor house robe and tie which is tucked under the cargain. I leave the dormitory and step outside the dorm, making sure I don't fall 50 feet down especially because I dont have my girls here with me. I walk down the stairs and meet Luna and Ginny at the bottom. "Hey guys!" They look at me and smiles appear on their faces. "Hello!" Says Luna, "We heard you made the team." She knows? "Oliver is telling everyone." Ginny explains. "Ohh yea dont worry ill still be able to help with the necklaces." I tell them. "Okay great, we have a game later." Ginny says. "Aww can I watch?" Luna asks. "I don't see why not." I say and the bell rings.
We all have the same classes at the same time so we all head to our first class, which I am not excited about. We enter the potions classroom and sit way back. Professor.Snape runs in with his robe flowing behind him, shutting all the shades. "He's scary." I hear another first year whispering. He reaches the front and looks at us all. "Today we will be making the Boil-Cure potion." He says slowly and with breaks in between every 3 or so words. He runs around handing everyone ingredients for the potion. Dried Nettles, snake fangs, stewed horned slugs, porcupine quills and Flobberworm Mucus, I shudder, gross. I can tell by Ginny's face that she also thinks it's gross. I look at Luna and she picks up the quill. "EVERYONE!" Professor.Snape yells and makes Luna drop the quill on the table. "Place in the dried nettles." He instructs. We all place them in. "Good, now the snake fangs." There are two of them. I touch the point of one. "OW!" I scream and cover my mouth quickly. "What did you say ms.Malfoy?" Snape asks. I'm too scared to talk. "She accidently cut herself professor." Ginny says. Few. "I saw too, I'll take her to the hospital wing." Luna says. "No need for that ms.Lovegood." He says, "she will be just fine, right." He looks at me and I nod my head. I drop the fangs into the cauldron before I hurt myself again. We finish the potion and he dismisses us. "Now what class?" I ask them, sucking the blood off my cut finger. "Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital wing?" Luna asked me with a concerned look on her face. "I think you should go soon at least." Ginny continues. "I'll be just fine." I try to convince them. "Sure.. I'm keeping a watch on that." Ginny says, not believing me when I say i'm fine. To be honest, it doesn't hurt that bad, that bad. "We have charms next" Luna says, reading the schedule over Ginny's shoulder.
We enter the charms class and sit down. The seats are on the sides of the class so we pick the second row seats. Professor.Flitwick comes in. He's the head of Ravenclaw house, Lunas house. "Is he a goblin?" I hear another first year ask." "For your information, I am not a gobin. I'm just small." Professor.Flitwick says and stands up on his podium thingy. "Today we will be learning how to leavate feathers." He explains. He grabs his wand from the podium. He holds it to a feather and says, "Wingardium Leviosa" and the feather flys up in the air, slowly. He makes it go over to where me, Ginny and Luna are sitting and places it in front of me. "You try." He tells me. I pause then pick up my wand. I slowly put it in front of the feather, scared I'm going to do it wrong and humiliate myself in front of everyone. I look at Luna then Ginny and the smile at me. Their smiles always make me feel safe. "Wingardium Leviosa" I say and the feather flies. A little faster then when Professor.Flitwick did. I'm starting to lose control of it and Ginny grabs my hand and directs it back to the table and Luna grabs her wand, says the spell and helps lower it. Everyone starts... clapping? Why are they clapping?
"Finally free period!" Ginny says after leaving Professor.McGonagall's class. "Hey guys?" I ask. "Yes?" Luna answers. "Is there any part of the necklace we don't have?" "One." Luna says. "The clasp." She pulls her glasses out of her bag. They are full of gold decals and.. I look closer, one lens is blue and one is pink. She puts them on. "Eve watch out, a nargle is about to grab your tie." She says. I don't believe her. "Hey who's trying to choke me!" Something is pulling on my tie. "The nargle!" She says and hits my tie. "Thanks." I say and we go to the library.
We sit at a far table so no one can hear us. "Where would we find the clasp?" Ginny whispers. They talk but I space out. SNAP. Ginny snapped in front of my face. "Yes?" I say. "You there?" She asks with a laugh. "Yeah sorry, I was thinking, remember the string? Luna got pulled in by that creature. And the cork, I had the idea of herding them towards you not to mention I had to jump off the stairs 6 feet above the floor." I explain. "Where are you going with this?" Ginny asks. "I'm saying, me and Luna had our spot light.." Luna cuts me off "Ginny hasn't had hers." "Exactly." Ginny looks at us worried. "So your saying that I'm going to DIE!" "Not exactly, we survived and don't worry we will be there to help." I say with a smile. Luna smiles too. "You guys are the best," Ginny says. "So classes end at 2 and your games at 4 so im thinking 6 we can get the clasp." Luna suggests. "Don't you think 6 is a little late to go into the forbidden forest." Ginny asks with a shiver. "No," Luna answers. The forbidden forest! "Ginny you will be just fine." I say and put my hand on her shoulder. The bell rings. "Oh shoot, we're going to be late for Professor.Lockhart's class!" Ginny yells. "SHHHHHHHH!" The librarians say. "Sorry," Luna whispers. We collect our things and run out the door as fast as we can. The second bell rings and we're halfway there.
We catch our breath as we enter the classroom right before the third bell. We sit down and Professor.Lockhart begins talking. "Okay everyone! Pop quiz then we will be learning a bit about this guy!" He points to himself. I raise my hand. "Yes ms.Malfoy?" He asks with a questioned look on his face. "I thought in this class we learn how to defend ourselves." He does NOT look happy. Ginny and Luna look at him like they're wondering the same thing. "Well," he says, trying to keep his cool teacher expression, "I thought it would be nice to take a day to learn about me." He says. Me, Luna and Ginny exchange horrified and worried looks. "Well girls, you could teach the class then." We stand up and go to the front. "Easily." Ginny says. "Okay everyone, we're going to be learning expelliarmus." I say. "Ginny try it on me." I say and she raises her wand to me. "You sure?" She asks and I nod my head. Luna stands out of the way. "Expelliarmus!" Ginny yells and I blast into the wall. "See everyone, there are two uses for this spell. If your opponent has a wand, it blasts the wand out of their hand. If not, like my friends just showed you, it blasts the person." Luna says and I stand up. Me and Ginny bow and all three of us look at Professor.Lockhart. "Very good girls.." He starts. "But now we're going to do my lesson." Everyone starts booing him. Me, Ginny and Luna burst out laughing. "Who wants to partner up and try blasting your friend?" Ginny asks. This makes us laugh even harder. Everyone raises their hands. "Let's do wands first and maybe friends on Monday." Luna suggests and everyone stands across from someone. We high-five and look at Professor.Lockhart. "Boom."
Once classes for the day finish, we go to the courtyard. "So, are we finding the clasp tonight?" Ginny asks, obviously confused. "I think so, Eve are you okay with that?" Luna says. "I'm just fine, I'd be asking Ginny if she's okay." Seeing that it's her turn to be in danger. Luna looks and Ginny and she nods her head. "I'll be fine." "Okay after quidditch we'll go to the forest." We all agree and walk over to the quidditch field.
"Alright everyone, huddle up." Oliver yells and everyone goes into a group huddle. "Ravenclaw stands no chance, so play well and go for it." Is this his way of cheering us up? It's not working. I look up in the stands at Luna and she gives me a thumbs up. My job is to protect the goal while Harry is trying to get the snitch and Ginny is trying to get this ball thing through the other team's goal. We get on our brooms and I sigh. "GO!" Oliver screams and we fly up into the sky.
I fly right over to the middle of the three hoops that are all on different levels. "And Potter races for the snitch!" Lee yells. He hosts the quidditch games. "COME ON HARRY!" I hear Hermione yell from the stands. A ball comes right at me. I hit it with the end of my broom. The person who threw the ball grabs it and throws it back at me. I hear Lee yell "And Potter caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Then the next thing I know, I'm in the hospital wing with Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Harry and Ron looking over me. "She's awake!" Ron says. Draco runs in. "What happened to you," Draco yells. "I- I don't know, the last thing I knew was a ball came right at me." I explain. "The ball knocked you off your broom. I saw, it was awful." Luna says with certainty. "Eve what did I tell you about playing quidditch! When I was explaining the rules!" Draco says. "I don't care about stupid rules Draco, I have been living a zero rule life for a week now and ive had the time of my life." I say, meaning it. No one says a word. "Anyway, I need to talk to Ginny and Luna." Harry, Hermione and Ron leave and pull Draco out with them. "Let's go find this cla-" Ginny stops me mid sentence. "No no no. You can't go with a broken arm." I look at my arm. It really hurts now that I think about it. It's in a cast signed by everyone here, Hannah Abbot, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkerson, Tom Riddle, Oliver Wood, Colin Crevvy, Lavender Brown and more. I don't recognize some of these names. "I'll be fine, and I'd feel a lot better if I knew the school was safe." They look at me like I'm a fallen hero. "That's very kind of you but we'd rather you be safe." Luna says. Come on, I'm just trying to help out. "Guys I got this." I nod. "Fine but we're keeping a close eye on you." Ginny tells me. Oh my gosh having overprotective friends is so hard. I sigh. "So are we waiting for tomorrow?" I ask. "I think that would be smart." Ginny agrees. Luna nods. "Don't we have classes tomorrow?" Luna asks us. "Didn't you hear Madam Pomfrey? Eve isn't allowed to go." Ginny tells her. "I'm not? Why?" I wonder. "You sort of have a broken arm." Ginny looks at me worried. Ughh! "Fine, after you two finish classes, we will go to the forest and find those clasps." I say and lay on my back. My eyes close.
I wake up and look around. No ones here. I look near the door and check the clock. It's 11:30, their at class. I have no clue what to do. I look around. Whit beds everywhere with light blue curtains separating each one. The bell rings. I stand up, It's 11:45.
I walk over to the great hall for lunch. I enter and everyone stares at me. I can see worry in their eyes, especially Ginny's and Luna's. Here comes the speeches about how much they care for me and that they dont want me to hurt myself. They walk over to me.
"What are you doing Eve." Ginny says, she looks ANGRY! "Getting food.." I tell her. Luna also looks angry, well angry for her very calm expression 24/7. "I'll be fine to sit at a table and eat food with my okay arm." I try to convince them. They look at each other almost like they're talking through eye contact. "Okay but you have to go right back after lunch." Luna says. "Okay fine." I walk over to the table followed by Ginny. I hate rules, they block you from living life. I guess if it's a rule from your best friend it's fine. I grab a sandwich with my non-broken arm and place it on my plate. It's like Ginny is watching my every move. I roll my eyes and take a bit of the sandwich. "Are you okay Eve?" George asks me. "You took a hard beating by that Quaffle." Fred continues. "I'm just fine, do you guys always talk like that?" They nod. Oh gosh. "It's already hard to tell you two apart." I say with a laugh. They smile and laugh. Ginny laughs too and grabs a chicken wing before Ron can take them all.
After lunch, Ginny and Luna walk me to the hospital wing. "Thanks guys, I really appreciate it." They smile and walk out. How I wish I could go to classes. I lay on my back and think about getting my letter, getting my wand, meeting my friends, getting sorted into Gryffindor, the journey to make the necklace, classes, Lockheart, Quidditch, my arm, the twins. It's crazy how much your life can change in a week. I went from rules everywhere to no rules, from a giant room to myself to sharing a room with like 50 girls, from having no friends to having the best people ever as my friends. Storm interrupts my thoughts and flies into the room. She has a letter in her mouth. I take the letter out of her mouth and open it. "Dear Evelyn Malfoy. It's your father." I stop reading and rip the letter up. I'm not reading this. I just know he's going to be telling me to stop hanging out with my best friends and stuff. I throw the ripped up letter into the trash. Storm sits down on my good arm. I open my eyes to Ginny and Luna looking over me. I must have fallen asleep! "Are you awake?" Luna asks. I sit up, "Mhm im up." "Great let's just get this over with." I get out of bed and Storm flies in. "Looks like you're coming for the adventure." I say as she sits on my shoulder. We walk outside and go right for the Forbidden Forest.
Ginny takes a deep breath. "Let's do this," she says and steps inside. I follow her and Luna goes last. "Luna do you know where we have to go?" I ask her and she goes in front of Ginny. "Yes I believe I do." She answers and we walk over to a clear space. A thestral comes over to us. "Hello." Luna says. She's talking to it, like actually talking. "I understand... yes... we need three.. okay.." The thestral leaves. "What just happened, is it getting the clasps?" Ginny asks Luna. "Yes she is." Luna answers. I stand there, thinking. "When will I almost die?" Ginny asks. She looks scared, she's trembling. I see a boy, tall, almost statue-like standing in the shadows. I realize that he's the guy who on the first day of school told me to give them a chance. "Hello." He says. Ginny and Luna turn to face him. He walks over to us. "Do you mind if I talk to Ms.Weasley?" He asks but it doesn't sound like a question, more like a statement. "Yes," I say from a foot away. "Yes we do mind." I walk up to him. "Your Draco's little sister." He says, looking down at me. It looks like I'm about 5 inches below his shoulders. "Yes I am, now run along you not taking my best friend." Ginny looks at me, worried. He smiles, it's not a normal smile, it's actually really creepy. "You sure about that." He shoves me to the side and walks over to Ginny. Luna hits him. "You can't take her, we won't allow it." "I don't care what you allow." He says and hits Luna on the head with his wand. "I didn't catch your name." Ginny says, trying to act like she's not scared. "Ginevra Weasley, don't act all brave and come with me." He says and pulls her arm. "How do you know my name." She tries to pull her arm away from him but he doesn't let go. "I have my ways." He says. "What's your name?" I ask. "Tom Riddle." He says, sounds familiar. I run up behind him and kick his back. "Leave her alone!" I yell and he turns to look at me. Before he can say anything, Ginny trips him. "Run guys, I'll get the clasps." I tell my friends. "No we're not leaving you." Luna says and she steps on Tom. "Ginevra Weasley will come with me." He says with certainty. "Will not!" She screams. The thestral comes running back. "Finally!" I complain and we grab the clasps from its mouth. "Thank you." Luna says and I grab her arm and run as fast as I can, making sure that Ginny is ahead of us. I look behind me and see that Tom is racing to catch Ginny. I grab Ginny's arm and run, run, run!
I feel like my feet are bleeding but I dont stop, I'll never stop. I'm holding Luna's hand in my good arm and Ginny's in my bad one. "Eve let me go your hurting yourself." Ginny yells. "No! Never I need to save you." I look behind us and notice that Tom is out of sight. I'm not going to slow down though. I keep running and I see the entrance. "GET BACK HERE!" I hear Tom yelling from behind us. "NEVER!" I yell and leave the forest.
We run into the school and collapse on the floor. "Are they okay?" I hear someone ask. "I hope so." I open my eyes to Hannah and the brown haired boy looking over us. They put their hands out and help us up. "Yeah, we're just fine." Luna says. "What happened?" The brown haired boy asks. "By the way, I'm Justin and this is Hannah." He points to Hannah. "Got it." Ginny says. "We're just fine and I can't tell you anything else." I say and look behind them. I see a girl fighting with her cloak that is flying open. Then a boy and another one. "It's getting worse." Luna says. "We have to go." I tell Hannah and Justin then we run up to the Gryffindor dorm.
"Quickly grab everything." I instruct and lay the clasps out on a table. Luna comes back with the strings and Ginny has the corks. We try to put them together. "It's not working!" Ginny says. We look at Luna whos is together. She takes my stuff and puts it together. About 10 minutes later she gets both our necklaces together and we run outside. Almost half the school is struggling with items and clothing. "They're everywhere." Luna says and we follow her down the stairs. "Now what do we do?" Ginny asks, fighting with her tie that is being pulled by something. "Put them on." Luna instructs and we do so. All of a sudden Ginny is no longer fighting with her tie. We run around to everyone who is fighting with things. "What is going on here." Headmaster.Dumbledore asks. He walks over to us three. "Hello sr." I start, not knowing what to say. "The nargles came and took my necklace then me and my best friends made new ones and stopped them." Luna tells him. Wow she just isn't afraid. "Great job girls." Headmaster.Dumbledore says. "What?" I ask. "You saved the school did you not?" He asks. I guess we did. "Yeah!" Ginny says, smiling. "Thank you sr." I say. "No thank you girls, all three of you." He says. We high five "that was epic" Ginny says. I laugh "it really was." Professor.Dumbledore leaves and so does everyone else.    
"I'm going to miss you guys." I tell them. I really will, in 2 months school will be over and I'll have to wait all summer to see my best friends again. "I will miss you guys too" Luna says with a faint frown. "I wish we could find some way to hang out but with the Malfoys being Eve's parents I'd even wish her luck going home this summer." Ginny says and quickly covers her mouth. Shoot right my fathers letter. "I'll be right back."    
I run as fast as I can to the hospital wing and find the trash can with the letter in it. I grab all the pieces of paper out of the trash and sit on the floor, laying them out in front of me. It's been about a week since I've ripped the letter up. I hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn around, trying and struggling to put the pieces together. "Eve why are you here?" It sounds like.. I turn around and see two red heads standing over me. "Fred and George?" I ask and they nod. "Why are you sitting on the floor with papers." One asks. "Who asked that?" I wonder. This will get annoying, I can tell. "George." He says. "Ight, and i'm trying to put together a letter I ripped up about a week ago from my-" I look back at the letter and the other twin, Fred, is putting the pieces together. "Woah you're good at that." I compliment him. "Thanks.. done." He says and I shift over next to him to read it. George follows me and stands behind us looking down at the letter.
"Dear Evelyn Malfoy,
It's your father. I bet you're wondering why I have spent my time writing to you. Draco has informed me that you are in Gryffindor as well as being friends with a Weasley and a Lovegood. I also heard about your journey, jumping off stairs are you crazy. I'd like to tell you that I understand you are having fun but stop. I don't want my only daughter killing herself. Also I've told Draco to keep an eye on you, don't hate me, it's for your own good."
"Wow he really seems to love you." Fred says "Pft ridiculous he doesn't love me one bit. How come he hates your family" I ask. "Well, we're not the richest and your father believes that all "purebloods" should be rich and popular and loved." George explains, putting air quotes around purebloods. "Oh what about the Lovegoods" I wonder. "Well that's pretty simple, their not "purebloods" their "halfbloods" and halfbloods are people that have a muggle parent and a magical parent." Fred explains. "But why does someone's blood type or wealthiness define them?" I wonder out loud. "I don't know I guess it's just your father." Fred says. I throw the letter back into the trash and leave to find Ginny and Luna.
"Eve!" Ginny runs over to me. "Where Luna?" "She went to get a drink of water and never came back!" Ginny tears up. "We need to find her!" We spread out and run around Hogwarts looking for her. She's nowhere to be found. I meet up with Ginny again right outside the school. It's starting to get dark. I look over to the forbidden forest. Ginny follows my gaze to the forest "you don't think.." "I do, let's go" I grab her arm and run to the forest.
We run into the forest and I see Luna tied to a tree. "Ginny over here!" I point to Luna and we run over to her. "Luna, are you okay?" Ginny asks her." "He's here." She says with a very shaky voice. For the first time that i've known her there's a bit of fear in her voice and on her face. Me and Ginny look at eachother worried, "who's here?" I whisper, maybe she's going crazy? "I am girls." We turn around to see a statue-like guy. "Tom Riddle. What do you want with my friends?" I ask him. Honestly, he's pretty scary the way he stands there showing no expression what so ever. "Now why would I tell you little Malfoy?" Geez I don't know maybe because I hate him! "Just let Luna go," Ginny yells. "I'm afraid I can't do that girls see while Luna is stuck there, I have the chance to get what I came for." He says with a very creepy smile. "What did you come for." I'm afraid to ask but I had to save Luna. "The necklaces." He says with a wink. "Were you the one that sent the nargles to Hogwarts?" Ginny scream-asks. "Yes Ginevera I was now your going to give me the necklaces and you can have your little weird friend back." "She's not weird idiot, you might need new glasses!" I had it with this guy. I run behind Luna and try to get through the ropes. "Ginny help me." Ginny runs over to me and tries helping but the ropes won't budge. "Only I can cut through those ropes girls, just give me the necklaces." I freeze, should we give him the necklaces. If we give them to him the school will go crazy again. If we don't give the necklaces Luna is stuck here and probably will die. "Do you mind if I have a talk with Ginny before we give you our necklaces?" I ask Tom and he shakes his head. I grab Ginny's arm and run a bit deeper into the forest so there's no way that Tom can hear us. "Okay Ginny, here's the plan."
    We walk back over to Tom and Luna who is still tied up to the tree but it seems like the ropes are getting tighter by the minute. I walk up to Tom and start taking off my necklace. The trick here is that I'm standing on my toes so I cover his eyes. "Looks like you girls picked the right option." He says with a straight face. I try not to laugh because we didn't. "Sectumsempra!" I hear Ginny yell behind me. "What did she just say?" Tom asks with a worried face, the first time he showed emotion I guess. I keep trying to cover his eyes but he looks around me. I panic, what do I do! Draco comes out from behind a tree. "Draco! What are you doing here!?" I ask while trying to keep what Ginny's doing secret. "Sectumsempra!" Ginny yells again but with worry in her voice. "I'm here to protect you." Draco says. "I don't need a knight in shiny armour thank you I have enough knight in me." I say and side kick Tom's face. "O-okay i'll be leaving then." Draco says and runs away. Pathetic brother can't even bear to see a little kick. Tom gets up and tries to punch me but I doge. "Sectumsempra!" Ginny yells for a third time. "What are you doing!" Tom yells and he kicks me to the ground. I get up and step on his heel then jump around him.
"Ginny is it working?" I ask while running over to her and Luna. "Yea it takes awhile to get rid of the cut rope though." It seems like Tom layered the ropes so it would take a long time to cut through them. "Here I'll help get rid of the ropes. It looks like there's only two more layers." We finish the layer Ginny was on and "sectumsempra" we both yell with our wands pointed to the ropes.
Someone runs up behind me and grabs me. "Let me go!" "No way." Tom says, this guy has some nerve. Ginny freezes, come on Ginny! "Ginny help!" I yell and she looks at Luna then Me then Tom and back to Luna. Tom puts his wand to my throat. Ginny's eyes open wide. She runs up to Tom quickly and puts her wand to his throat. "You do anything Ginevra and I kill her." He says. I kick his leg and get out of his arms. "Stupefy" Ginny yells and Tom drops to the ground, frozen. "Thanks Gin." We high-five and run back to Luna. "Sectumsempra" I say with my wand pointed to the last layer of ropes. We hurry to get the cut ropes away and help Luna up. "Thank you" she says and hugs us. We run as fast as we can out of the forest before Tom can unfreeze. "I'm not letting either of you out of my sight again!" I say and we all laugh. "I cant believe school is almost over." Ginny says and turns our laughs into frowns. "I know I'm going to miss both of you." Luna says and we start walking instead of running across the grass to Hogwarts. "Promise to write okay." Ginny says and we all smile. "Of course."
The train comes to a stop. We all get off the train at King's Cross Station. Me, Luna and Ginny all hold hands and run through the wall. "I'm never going to forget that," I say with a laugh. "Seriously," Ginny says. "This year has been so much fun." Luna says. Fun? More like torucre but sure let's go with fun. I hug them "I see my parents I have to go." "Bye Eve I'll miss you!" Ginny says and Luna nods. I take a deep breath and walk over to my parents expecting them to get all mad that I was hanging out with Ginny and Luna. "Hello Evelyn." My mother says. "Hey where's Draco?" I ask. "He's over with his friend-" My father interrupts, "forget Draco, looks on the front page of the Daily Prophet." He shows me the newspaper and I take it out of his hands. On the front page is me, Luna and Ginny with the title, "Three Hogwarts first years save the school from mysterious creatures." "That's me and Luna and Ginny!"
I run over to where they're standing and show them the paper. "Guys look." I say, I've never been more excited in my life. "That's us!" Ginny says, sounding almost as excited as me. "That's so cool." Luna says. "It really is! Were heroes!" I hug them "I'll write as soon as I get home." Ginny says. "You better," Luna answers with a laugh. "See you guys next year." I say and run back to my parents. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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