Trost District part two

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- Y/N! Where have you been this whole fucking time - Jean screamed at me 

- And where did you get the gas from - Reiner followed

Still being out of breath I sat on the near crate trying to calm down.

- Also... Why are you so tired - Marco asked

- Give me one second... - I struggled to say - After I run out of gas and Titan which Eren was controlling saved me by killing Titan that nearly ate me, I notice the body of some poor soul whose head was bitted off by Titan. He had to die soon after the gate was breached. I took the bet and came down from the roof and checked his cylinders, thankfully they were almost full. I replaced my cylinders with his and climbed back. I wanted to go to you guys but I notice that this Abnormal Titan, which turned out to be Eren, was taking care of some Titans around the HQ, so I decided to deal with the ones that were just approaching. I don't know how many of those bastards I took care of but more than fifteen.

- More than fifteen?! - Jean said in shock

- Told you, I'm not really sure... - I continued - I run out of breath but when I realize that Eren's Titan is nowhere to be seen I decided to go to the HQ to check what happened and well... you saw the rest.

Before anyone could say anything we heard a cannon firing

- Huh? Cannon fire? - Jean asked in shock

Many people around us felt fear, but for some reason not me. I knew that it wasn't fired towards a hostile but towards someone inside. Don't know how but I felt that the person who it was fired at is okay. 

Time skip

We were ordered to stand in front of the main gate towards the Trost where commander Pixis was supposed to give us further orders.

Small Time skip

After Pixis's speech, we were assigned our roles. I went to the nearest supply post and replaced my blades and cylinders. 

- I've heard you gave quite a show - I heard Ezra behind me 

I turned my back 

- I'm as surprised as you - I replied - In the first few minutes I couldn't move. I was paralyzed by fear but then, something broke inside of me. I thought that if I could finish as a top graduate who alongside Eren tried to slash Colossus Titan, I'm more than capable of taking out those small ones. 

- You were the top graduate? - Ezra was shocked 

- Months of hard training pay off. I slept for seven hours and trained like crazy. I had to, I promised myself that I will avenge my parents, S/N, and you, but you turned out to be alive. 

- Wait - Ezra interrupted me - S/N and you're parents are dead!?

- Mom and Dad were crushed by a piece of gate falling on them. A small bit of it also hit me in the eye, that's why I wear this. As for S/N, I'm not hundred percent sure if she's dead. After all, you're alive, and that makes me wonder, how did you even manage to get out of Shiganshina? 

Ezra has relied on the wall

- I was already at home when the gate was destroyed. I ran out only to see death and Titans closing in. I couldn't believe that it happened, I and my parents immediately started to run away to safety. 5 Meter class Abnormal started to chase us, but we managed to escape. We made it out pretty quickly as we were on the ship when the second gate was destroyed. 

- Well - I replied - I owe my life to some Garrison Soldier that picked me up and forced his way on the ship with me. 

Silence ensued 

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