THE FOURTH RULE: "Don't stay outside at night"

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It's been a long time since then... I finally started working in the profession and made friends with some colleagues, however... No matter who I spoke to, everyone was found torn apart after a while, even their families were affected. Aunt Larisa was also killed... She was only recently buried, but even now I can't get over the loss. Of all my relatives, only she loved me more than my mother. I loved her very, very much, but I was too stupid to guess at once who had caused so many deaths.

All this I realized only after the appearance of a constant migraine and a huge shadow haunting me. Slenderman clearly doesn't want to leave me alone. He will kill me, my mother, and everyone else, just before he enjoys a game of cat and mouse. I can feel his presence all the time. It's a nasty feeling, like someone is just touching me. It makes my fear and disgust grow stronger and stronger, as does his desire for me.

Our rivalry is just beginning, but I'm not going to give up. I will find a way to get rid of the Horror of the Forest and save the lives of the remaining relatives. Even if I have to sacrifice myself, I will do it without thinking about my fate, even if it is so obvious — I will become another victim, lost in the endless forest, forced to constantly continue to participate in its crazy games.

But the only thing that bothers me the most is my back... I found a huge mark on it — an untidily crossed circle. With the help of Larisa's connections, I was able to find out that there was no such thing on the bodies of Mila and Robert, which means that I was marked, chosen as a favorite, among all the "lucky ones" who contacted this monster. After this thought occurred to me, I regretted contacting Anna's friends, especially considering the way I was treated afterwards.

At the same time, the attacks were getting stronger every day. I couldn't sleep, eat, or just live normally. I was constantly plagued by nightmares about who was sending them, so I started taking sleeping pills, but soon stopped. At night, while I was sleeping, having taken medicine before, they tried to kidnap me. I woke up in the middle of the night because I hit my head hard on the ... windowsill, feeling black tentacles wrap around me and squeeze. It happened every night, even now, which is why I try to sleep during the day.

Along with the lack of sleep came irritation, which is why I almost constantly began to snap at colleagues and just passers-by. Taking care of my mother became an unbearable burden for me, because of which I sometimes forgot about her, and then sat in her lap and cried, justifying myself and asking for forgiveness for my careless attitude. Anna, however, no matter how many times I called her, no longer answered. There were beeps, but there was no answer, so I gave up trying to reach her and ask for help. Before my grandparents, I was simply ashamed to return. I'm scared because I'm afraid of what they might say or do to me.

After irritation and sudden changes in mood, there was a decrease in immunity. I started to get sick often, especially in the fall and winter (at this time I can't even really work). What have I not been ill with... I even got an ulcer! And all because my appetite simply disappeared for a few days, it was such that I could not eat for a whole week.

And from all this you can see that very soon our game will end. The winner will clearly not be me.

I was late at work and forgot the most basic rule — "Do not stay outside at night". I need a place to sleep, but because of the curfew, I have to go home.... Through the empty streets ... pursued by an immortal being. What is the probability that I will safely reach my home? It definitely doesn't reach even one percent...

I was not allowed to stay at work, no matter how much I begged. The cleaners just looked at me as if I was crazy, like my colleagues, because of this it became very embarrassing and I stopped. Resigned to my fate, I threw my coat over my shoulders and picked up my bag, then left the building.

The streets that used to be crowded with people are now completely empty, even all the cars have disappeared, leaving only marks on the road. The windows in all the houses are turned off, only the street lights illuminate my path, but some of them started flashing, which made me speed up. The desire to return home was getting bigger and bigger by the second.

"The main thing is not to be afraid... the main thing is not to be afraid ..." - I thought, looking around for either the shadow or its owner. - "He feels fear, so I have to calm down and it's time to stop giving him pleasure! Oh, it's easy to say, but to do... " - Just as I thought about it, in one of the alleys I noticed prominent features — a white face and a red tie, and the rest was impossible to see because of the darkness.

It looked like our eyes were locked, as I could tell by the sudden switch-off of the streetlight. The others also started blinking harder and eventually turned off, so I took off and tried to catch up with the light. Thank God that today I decided to put on autumn shoes, and not shoes, as always, I would not be able to run on them.

There's a hiss all around me that bites into my ear like a needle. The headache began to appear again, and everything swam before my eyes. He's right there. Very close. I took a chance and turned around. A long arm reaches out to my back and almost touches my shoulder. I take a startled breath and stumble over something, falling at full speed on the rough asphalt, tearing my hands until they bleed and my jeans are barely salvageable.

Everything goes quiet, but I don't dare get up. I'm scared. I don't open my eyes, because I don't want to see the monster's long legs in front of me. I also don't want to feel someone else's touch or hear scary sounds. But after I realized that no one was touching me, I opened my eyes, noticing that something white was clutched in my hand.

As I held it in my hand, I heard a rustling sound. What's it? Paper? Where did I get it? I decided to see what was written on it only after I got up and looked around for the Horror of the Forest. It was only when I got to my knees that I realized that I was no longer on the street, but back in that damned forest. Why did he teleport me here, and why?

"Does he want to play that game with the notes again?" — Unfolding the yellowed sheets of paper, I realized that these were the five notes that we found with Mila and Robert. Clenching my teeth, I got to my feet and began to turn my head in different directions, hoping that I would find a hint of the place where the next note is now hanging. But, alas, I was unlucky, so I just went straight ahead.

My luck increased dramatically from one to a hundred percent, as all the other notes, except the eighth, I found calmly and without any dangers. Except now I'm standing in front of that mansion again. All roads lead to it. It looks like there's a final note inside. However, I'm not brave enough to go inside and face Slenderman.

"No, I'm not desperate enough to go inside, freak." - As soon as I thought about it, my nose smelled a strange, disgusting smell. Grimacing, I turned my back on the front door. What I saw left me stunned. The forest surrounding the clearing that surrounds the building caught fire with a bright red flame. It's spreading so fast! - "He set fire to the forest to drive me inside?! Why is it so important to him that I find this damn note?!"

Instead of taking the risk and doing what he wanted, I ran straight into the fire. His hands and face were covered with terrible burns, and his clothes were completely lost. So I got out alive and the monster disappeared for a while, leaving me and my mother alone, but for how long?

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