Chapter 1 - Our Arrival

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Author's Note: Chihiro and Y/N are sisters :) They're also both young right now, They get older during their stay in the spirit world. A LOT older.
Chihiro is 10 and Y/N is 12 :)))
Also let me know how my story is going😊

<Y/N's Pov>

My family is moving to grandma and grandpa's home that's in the mountains.

While we were in the car, Chihiro and I were playing a game in the back seats, and our parents were in the front seats talking. Chihiro and I were messing around until the car went over what seemed to feel like a bump and we both got scared. We asked mom and dad what happened.

"It seems like we got a flat tire," our parents responded to us.

Mom tried to call someone on her phone, but there was no service so it wasn't able to go through.

"Let's just walk the rest of the way and ask someone for help there, our destination isn't far from here," Dad said while still looking at the flat tire.

"I guess we could walk the rest of the way," Mom agreed looking through her phone.

Chihiro and I just looked at each other and nodded. After a few minutes of walking, we saw a forest ahead of us. Dad stopped us and looked to see if there was another route to get there, but that was the only way, so we kept walking.  After a while of walking, we stopped at a statue in front of a tunnel. I looked at Chihiro and she looked at me, we then looked back at the tunnel in confusion, while mom and dad were thinking whether or not to go into the tunnel.

"Let's go in and see," Dad said.

Mom sighed and replied to him, "sure."

After hearing that Chihiro and I both shouted, "Wait! Isn't that too risky?!"

But mom just responded with a simple "I don't know, if you guys are scared you can stay here and wait for us."

Chihiro and I looked at each other and ran after our parents. I grabbed onto our dad's arm while Chihiro grabbed onto our mom's.

It's been about 5 minutes of walking and it got really dark.

"Dad, it's kinda dark I'm scared," I said, Chihiro nodded in response.

"It's fine,  just look, there is light ahead of us," Dad said, Chihiro and I looked at each other before letting go of our parent's arms and running towards the light with our parents following behind.

We ended up in a train station looking place with some cracked windows and rainbow colored windows. Just ahead of us we saw a opening leading to a field of grass.

"Hey dad, should we go to the grass field?" my younger sister asked.

"Yeah, let's go check it out," our father said.

We continued walking until we made it to the field, up ahead we saw an abandoned looking town.

"OOOOOOO, a ghost town~" I said to Chihiro,

"Stop y/n, it looks scary..." Chihiro replied with a mad then concerned face.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go check it out," my mom stated with a small but heartwarming grin.

"Oh.. umm... ok." Chihiro reluctantly agreed while I smiled.

I held Chihiro's hand and started following mom and dad. When we arrived to the small town, we looked around for a while.

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