Chapter 2 - Working Bathtubs

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There will be "adult" words in this if u know what I mean


<3rd person pov>

"Let's go~," Y/N said pulling on her sister's hand.

"Ok.." Chihiro replied in response.

The sisters started walking down practically shaking from fear. <cause like yk the stairs r steep af> 

"Oh, it's really steep..." Y/N said staring down.

"At least we can agree on one thing," Chihiro replied about to tear up.

Chihiro stood up and stared down then she slipped and started running down the stairs at a fast pace, she tried stopping herself but it seemed that her feet were moving by themselves. <I mean, u guys were holding hands so like, she pulled u down with her- LOL big L>

"*Screams at the top of her lungs* CHIHIRO!" Y/N screamed closing her eyes.

"I'M SORRY!" Chihiro replied loudly.

<Y/N's pov>

I closed my eyes running down the stairs with Chihiro, I tried several times to stop myself but my feet were moving too fast making it hard to do so.

After we made it down, we bumped into the wall at the bottom of the stairs.

"Owww," Chihiro groaned as she pushed herself off the wall with a red mark on her face.

"Bruh, this Haku guy has to pay for our recovery 'cause we got no insurance," I complained sarcastically.

"LOL!" Chihiro said laughing.

"Enough talking, let's get this job or whatever," I said stopping the moment.

"Alright let's go," Chihiro said determined to work hard for our parents.

I walked to the door and tried opening it, but the door was all rusty and hard to open.

"A little help here, Chihiro," I said glaring at her red face.

"Right right, coming," Chihiro replied getting out of her daydreaming phase.

"Heh," I chuckled staring at her cheekily.

"What?" My sister asked confused.

" I went through your messages with C/N~," I said cheekily knowing well enough she has a huge crush on C/N. <C/N as in Crush Name if u didn't catch on>

"SHUT UP!" Chihiro said blushing with embarrassment and anger which helped her open the door all by herself.

'Hehe my plan worked so well,' I thought <This doesn't mean you didn't go through her texts with C/N tho LOL>

Chihiro and I both walked in feeling a gust of hot smoke come towards our faces, as I walked forward and brushed shoulders with Chihiro, I saw the man that Haku talked about.

"Um, hi, are you Kamaji? We're Haku's friends," I said breaking the silence.

"Hm?" Kamaji replied turning his head our way.

"Oh, I see, what are you guys doing here?" Kamaji asked.

Chihiro bursting her bubbles of thought, "Oh, Haku said to come here for a job?" she said remembering what Haku told us.

"Ah yes, come come," Kamaji said.

We walked over carefully not to step on a bunch of cute black puffy ball-looking things. But before we could walk all the way, we were stopped by a girl coming in from a small door with a basket of sprinkles and a plate of food.

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