An explanation and the infinty meeting

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No ones POV
Everyone saw nothing but dust Artemis started to get more worry of her son but when the dust started to clear a little she saw her son, she was happy but when the dust finally cleared her happiness turned to horror at the sight, the demons head was gone but his fist was inside Connor's gut making Artemis cry at the sight of her dying son

No ones POV Everyone saw nothing but dust Artemis started to get more worry of her son but when the dust started to clear a little she saw her son, she was happy but when the dust finally cleared her happiness turned to horror at the sight, the de...

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When campers came close to aid him they saw that asura's body started to turn to dust including his head

Asura:(head)damnit damnit DAMNIT!!! NO! This is not how I'll lose! Tch doesn't matter with a wound like that he'll die eventually!

He then fade away along with his body, Connor fell down lying on the ground campers came and took him to heal his wounds

(Time skip)
Connor was in bed resting until he woke up, looking around then his hole in his stomach see that it was healed

Chiron:I see that your awake
Connor:(turn his head and saw Chiron)hey there Chiron, how long was I out?
Chiron:3 days so Connor the gods are having a conversation about what happen about 3 days ago about that "demon" he called himself is it true?

Connor sighed and told Chiron about what demons are and the demon he fought was an upper moon, one of the strongest demons and that Connor was surprise that he defeated an upper moon class, Chiron was awe but confuse

Chiron:I don't understand if the demons weakness is the sun then why didn't lord Apollo's powers work?
Connor:to be honest I don't really know?

Chiron nod and left to let Connor rest and inform the gods of the information he has received

(Time skip)
The screen shows a man with horns and a red ribbon around his neck, brown fingerless and purple karate outfit but the top was around his waist

(Time skip)The screen shows a man with horns and a red ribbon around his neck, brown fingerless and purple karate outfit but the top was around his waist

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Kage:the dimensional infinity fortress, if I'm here then that means and upper moon was killed by a demon slayer, but that impossible all demon slayers we gone hundreds of years ago

Kage turned his head and saw a women with shamisen then a voice that said "hyo" was heard which made kage turn his head to it and saw a man in a purple suit and purple hair

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